New Chapter for New Leaves
New Leaves
hp4freek9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Dumbledore has decided that the trio need to be split up for their own good. But where does Hermione go; and with who?
Start ReadingChapters (4)
About hp4freek
Member Since 2006 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 27 Reviews Written | 57 Review Responses
I'm 24, married, and a university student, studying architecture. My favorite ship is SS/HG, although I do have a DM/HG WIP.
Reviews for New Leaves
Hi again.I'm sorry I haven't rewiewed this chapter earlier but my computer have given me a hard time.You were right though, I did indeed like this chapter. It was really great and I actually enjoy the way Draco and Hermione is starting a fragile 'friendship'.Though you keep me gessing about his whereabouts and his 'job' for the order. And why is Hermione alone with him while her best friends are together, and what is the orders position on keeping them so far from everyone else and with no other order member?Is it close to winter and what if they can't keep contact with other members because of snow and storms?I love your writing, please keep it up.Hugs Carmille.
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
It's okay about not reviewing before.
Because I'm actually going off of someone else's plot, a lot of these things have already been worked out in general. The first chapter tells us that Harry and Ron are actually seperated, and yes, that they have an escort, too, but someone from the Order.
Draco and Hermione are out there on a front. They're pretending to be together romantically, and that Draco is trying to purposefully get her away from the Order to gain information for the Death Eaters. This is also in the first chapter, possibly second.
Anyway, thanks, though, for the review.
Hi I really hope you had a great and enjoyable newyear. It's 00.43 here and it is so very wonderful loud and sparkling.
looking forward to your next update this year.
Hugs Carmille
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
Thanks so much! I really do plan on updating this, and hopefully sometime soon.
Hmm...I really like this fic and the tension between the two of them. I wonder if Draco and Hermione are going to be 'friends' of sorts in the end or maybe more...Where is Draco going and will he return safely? And if the war is breaking loose I hope they are not forgotten or lost in the cabin... That would be... scary!?
Hugs Carmille
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
Thanks, hun, I'm glad you're enjoying it! I haven't written much for this fic lately, though I do have the plot semi-worked out. Hopefully, I'll be returning to it soon, but in the meantime, I'm thankful for the encouragement!
hermione and draco? i'm interested to see how this turns out!
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
Good, stick around and you will! Thanks for reviewing.
poor draco. hope he opens up to her eventually. if this is gonna be a D/H ship, i love you!
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
And so it will be - it's so great to be loved !! Thanks for the review!
HiIt's been a long time since my last message.I hope you are well and your writers muse haven't left you.Hugs Carmille.
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
Ah, you're too fantastic. I actually had a chapter written, and simply kept forgetting to get it to my beta. It's a rather short one, though, but I think you'll like it. I should have it up soon, and thanks for staying interested. :)
Response from carmille (Reviewer)
YES! I'm so looking forward to the new chapter.Your message just made my day a whole lot better. Thank you so mush. You are a peach!Big hugs Carmille
Hi again!Just wondering if you have abandon this lovely fic???It would be such a shame. Hugs Carmille
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
I'm really not! I swear. I think I've just gotten busy. Now that my modem's decided it doesn't love me anymore, though, I might get the opportunity to write some more.
Really, I am sorry. No abandonment here... Just distraction.
Response from carmille (Reviewer)
Oh, I'm soooo relieved. I thought I was going to cry my eyes out... Glad that I don't have to, though. I think your modem is one of my new best friends.
Big hugs, Carmille
Hello again.I hope you haven't abandon this lovely fic. It is just sooooo good. I just feed of the tension between Hermione and Draco.I'm just curious, but are the tension going to change into something more??? I don't want to put pressure on you. Just say so if you want me to lay off.Hugs Carmille
Response from hp4freek (Author of New Leaves)
I don't plan on abandoning this at all, I just haven't had any interest in writing lately. I am sorry that it's taking me so long to continue, but continue I shall.
And there's not need to back off at all, I appreciate that you like the story enough to put pressure on me.