New Chapter for She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been
She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been
WonderfulChild9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
A marital interlude, Pre-Azkaban: Rodolphus wants more. Bella is offended he would ask. (One-shot.)
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About WonderfulChild
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 45 | 1 Review Written | 46 Review Responses
HG/SS shipper at heart, but quite willing to read beyond that pairing, even slash. Currently undergoing fascination with Death Eaters and the Black sisters. Loves good dark!fic and IC Snape. Open to friending in her LJ.
Reviews for She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been
I've loved everything you've written so far... but if I may say so, I think this is your best. I love how you write with subtlety. I had to read it a couple times before I really grasped all the intricacies, but maybe I'm just slow. Work on “Fire” please.
This is completely brilliant!! I don't think I've ever seen someone capture Bella's essence quite so perfectly. You've rolled so many elements into the story: cruel humor, sarcasm and even devotion. I am in awe.
Fascinating portrait of the evil Bella and with a truly twisty and chilling ending.
bella is very in character here, especially when she bites rodolphus. nice job!
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
What a marvelous one-shot! I truly enjoyed this. No grammatical mistakes and that was a pleasure, :).
I look forward to reading more of your work in the future. Well done!
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been)
Thanks! I'm really glad you enjoyed this.
Brrrr! Remind me never to mess with Bella, unless I can get a clear shot from behind her! This was scarey! Bellatrix at her "best," which is, by any normal standard, her worst! Well done!
(Hee-hee! I love the little bit of sisterly affection, in the midst of all that. That she'll poison Narcissa's mother-in-law, herself as a gift to the baby! That's SO Bellatrix!)
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been)
I'm glad you liked Bella's little contradictions. Thanks so much for the review!
What a perfect Bellatrix. Nicely done. Thanks for posting.
Response from WonderfulChild (Author of She Leaves a Trail of Honey to Show Me Where She's Been)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
oooh! I like it. Sometimes going into the mind of someone like Bella is ... satisfying. *looks shifty and frantically waves Hufflepuff banner*
loved it! plus, any mention of NiN and Snape is exciting for me, as I think Trent Reznor and the potion's master share similar ...traits... :)