New Chapter for The Bodyguard
The Bodyguard
tei hakuto4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Lord Orion Shagswell, famous Playwitch writer and seducer extraordinaire, has a mysterious and dangerous stalker. What happens when a Libertine meets a Japanese warrior?
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About tei hakuto
tei hakuto
Member Since 2006 | 1 Story | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 2 Review Responses
cute, innocent, and ready to kick ninja Naruto's butt! Crazy for the color violet, kitties and secondhand thrift bookstores ^_^
Reviews for The Bodyguard
LOL, he's a sneaky one, getting her to walk in on his nekkidness.
Ha, he'll have her relaxing in no time.
Response from tei hakuto (Author of The Bodyguard)
mmmwaahahahahahaha... ~_^
Oh how delicious. I'm thinking Lord Shagswell will protest, but secretly be pleased that its a woman guarding his um...body.
Hey there. I read this when you posted the first chapter in the Lord Shagswell group. I really liked it. I'm looking forward to reading more.
Response from tei hakuto (Author of The Bodyguard)
squeee!!! *huggles* thankie, thankies! I hope the whole story gets uploaded very soon too! ^_^ *kneels down in front of the TPP gods and grovels in supplication*