New Chapter for It Wasn't Supposed to End Like This
It Wasn't Supposed to End Like This
GinnyW4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
The end of the war comes, but is it an ending all can live with?
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About GinnyW
20 Stories | Favorited by 251 | 164 Reviews Written | 529 Review Responses
I'm a 40+ year old mother of 4 who works full-time, goes to school, and writes in what little spare time I have. Once upon a time I co-moderate the SS/HG Gift Exchange with Shiv5468 and Scattered Logic.
Reviews for It Wasn't Supposed to End Like This
So very sad, the worst thing is ,Bella still lives.
very nicely done.
Yes, why don't you continue this. I like your realism: battles are gruesome--not glorious. War leaves scars that are not always seen. It would be interesting if you decide to explore those themes and I'd like to see your vision of how they do (or don't) work out.
Response from GinnyW (Author of It Wasn't Supposed to End Like This)
Thank you so much. I do intend on continuing this as a series of one-shots. I appreciate the feedback! ~Ginny
I like it lots! Yeah, a continuation would be nice, but it's good as a stand-alone, too!
Response from GinnyW (Author of It Wasn't Supposed to End Like This)
Thank you, lotc. I'm glad that you liked it. I have ideas of how I'd continue it, but that wouldn't be until later this summer. :)