New Chapter for Saving Lucius
Saving Lucius
sunny3344 Reviews | 44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Lucius has lost his way after Narcissa left him. There is only one person who can bring him back.
Start ReadingChapters (6)
About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for Saving Lucius
Loved this line a few chapters back:"As delightful as that idea might be, I doubt he would appreciate waking up the morning after with a sore, slippery arse . . ." *snickers wildly*
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
LOL Thanks :D
Mmm, lovely as always, sunny :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks, owlie. :)
Lovely! During six weeks Severus got what he wanted in many years. Good luckP.s:Will this be a MPreg ?
Response from Rowena Slytherin (Reviewer)
I wish there was, Lucius would be lovely with a baby bump:-)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
No babies for these boys! :)
Honey...I'm home....and guess what? No norovirus. Lovely ending....beginning??? I hope one of the new elves can make magical desserts. I had a Drambuie souffle on board to die for.All playfulness aside Sunny, you are a really talented writer and your work is both a joy and treat to read. Well done. OK...break over......back on with the holiday laundry. Oh and the World Cup Final.Best wishes, Love Ali xxx.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks, Ali. Drambuie souffle sounds very decadent! Good luck with the laundry. xx
Good for Sev, finally he got what he wanted. All of these years waiting finished:-)Good luck
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Some of what he wanted, at least. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Some of what he wanted, at least. :)
I don't have a gay bone in my body...or indeed maybe the lady doth protest too much....but that interaction really floats my boat. I decided a long time ago that my girl crush was Gwen Stefani and so if she wasn't available then I would remain mad.But these are just glorious together. Well done me dear. And talking of on a cruise around Scandinavia and the Baltic tomorrow providing they can get rid of the Norovirus currently on board. Best wishes, Love Ali xxxxx.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Sounds like fun. The cruise, that is, not the norovirus. That's been hitting the rest homes here badly. Hope you have a great time! :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Sounds like fun. The cruise, that is, not the norovirus. That's been hitting the rest homes here badly. Hope you have a great time! :)
*fanning self* Thank you, sunny, just what the doctor ordered!;-)There's nothing more wonderful than seeing an inspired, enthusiastic Lucius and a satisfied Severus. We'll see how the two continue their *research* Great chapter, as always!xx
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks, sweetie. :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks, sweetie. :)
OMG, please post the next chapter IMMEDIATELY! *fanning self* *heart thudding*Can't wait! I mean, looking forward to more (asap)!xxx
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Patience, sweet pea. :D
Well Sunny...I live up Brokeback four door's daughter has also come out and my male labrador's boyfriend is a ridgeback rottweiller cross...aka Sir. None of them do it for me.....buuuuuut....Sev and you're talking. But I think it may be because I want to be the filling in their butty. Great stuff. Best wishes, Love Ali xxx.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
LOL. Thanks, Ali. xx :)
Poor Severus, Lucius will have a lot of ground to make up now.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Sure will. :)
I totally would have stayed and watched.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
You would have to join the rapidly forming queue... ;)
Hearing Severus's broken voice and seeing his broken heart, Lucius should know by now about his feeling, but at the same time considering his tall frame and blond appearance i don't think he finds out anything this soon and without help! Silly man:-)Good job for lovely chapter
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thank you. :)
Oh, lordy lord, Severus, Lucius needs to know how you see him--and soon! Who knows what is going on in that stubborn head of his, behind closed doors in the 'solitude of his bedchamber'... Draco's given his blessing, and Narcissa can just sod off--or sod the younger wizard on her desert house-elf's souffle, and well, go get him, tiger!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Sounds a bit sticky... ;)
Poor Lucius, all frustrated: he definitely needs to add meat with his vegs!'Yes, she took pleasure from my touch, but not from my mind, Sev, not from my heart.” Ouch... love this piercing reminder of how human Lucius is underneath it all--lovely, poignant ending to the chapter and fodder to a slow burning fire, me thinks... Lovely chapter!xxx
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks. :)
I hope Lucius loves Severus, if not he will break his heart.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Severus knows he is taking a risk but can't help himself. :)
Yes, Severus can be patient... and much more, Lucius! Heeee... looking forward to more!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
The man's a saint. ;)
O M G, hairs out of place! wearing the same robes twice in one week!!! the poor man is on thr very brink of a breakdown. Hopefully Severus can pull him back, it will be fun to watch.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks, mick. :)
Interesting start:-)DWe're waiting too, till Lucius come to his senses and feel his friend's unrequited love!Good luck
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
He is blond, you know... ;)
Loved the start, I am very much looking forward to read more.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thank you. :)
I really enjoyed this story. Seriously lovely job with it :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Thanks for all the reviews. :)
How delicious! Glad Lucius finally figured it out! ;)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
Took him a while but he got there in the end. :)
Narcissa is certainly vindictive in this - taking the dessert elf!Lovely so far!
Response from sunny33 (Author of Saving Lucius)
She's evil. :)