New Chapter for Comfort and Joy
Comfort and Joy
MMADfan10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Minerva isn’t feeling very much Christmas cheer when the holiday begins, and it looks only to become gloomier. Set at Christmas 1980.
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About MMADfan
41 Stories | Favorited by 312 | 127 Reviews Written | 4,741 Review Responses
Note 10 December 2015: I've been unable to write fanfic the last couple years, but I haven't abandoned my works-in-progress!
Many of my completed fics are available for download in ebook format through my blog and LJ.
Perfect Imagination accredited beta. PI:7311261659.
More about me here.
Reviews for Comfort and Joy
I couldn't sleep and needed some AD/MM fluff and wanted something wintery to make me forget I lived in a swamp and I found this again ... dawwwwwwwwww .... its just as yummy as it was a few years ago, the first time I found it.
I'm such a fanatic ...
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Aw, thank you,
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This is the last piece of fanfic I wrote and posted before a long hiatus (which I hope to break), and my own winter that year was rather bleak, so I needed a bit of comfort and joy myself. I'm glad that it also gave you something fluffy and warm to make you envision cold Christmases, snow, and Yuletide cheer rather than swamps! :-)
I like Minerva, glad she had an ear out for all students. A sad but sweet story before the war bursts in on them.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you very much, Wildcard!
I like Minerva, glad she had an ear out for all students. A sad but sweet story before the war bursts in on them.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you, Wildcard! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Ohhh how sweet. A really nice treat :)And it's nice to hear from you again; I've been missing your updatesHope you are well.All the bestHerby
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thanks, Herby! I'm glad you enjoyed it. This fall and winter have been really difficult with a lot of family stuff -- death, accidents, illnesses, that sort of thing -- so I haven't had much "head space" for fanfic. I do hope to begin writing again very soon!Thank you for your good wishes!
MMAD is not really my ship, but this was very enjoyable to read.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Oh yummmm!I seem to remember reading this some time before you posted it but it is every bit as delicious as it was back then - sometime around Christmas. I love the idea of Christmas at Hogwarts ... very little is quite as romantic in my opinion.
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you,
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
! I'm glad you enjoyed a bit of Christmas at Hogwarts!
A beautiful little glimpse into Minerva and Albus's Christmas. I love that he gave her his aunt's broach and invited her to Aberforth's for Christmas. And, of course, who could complain about all those mistletoe kisses? Loved it!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you! It had been an age since I had written much ADMM, so I was a bit worried it might not work, so I'm glad it got the Hogwarts Duo seal of approval! Glad you liked the brooch -- it's as hard to think of gifts for fictional characters to give each other as it is to find the right gifts for real people!
A new MMAD fic from MMADfan? Happy dance. Happy, happy, happy dance.This is just wonderful, beginning to end. I love that he enjoys watching her stretch, and she enjoys him watching, but neither knows even though they both feel ... something.I love glimpses into this time period. Most of the fics from this era concentrate on the marauders, and while they can be interesting, they aren't really at the center of things, and we already have seven books worth of young adult pranks and angst from this universe. I want to read about the adults, and especially about these two adults. It was just heartbreaking to see Minerva's view of Slytherin, and Fitzmaurice, who could have been chosen head boy, take the mark. It makes me realize that a lot of those who joined the deatheaters probably had no idea what they were getting into, and many of them probably felt they had no choice. Of course that doesn't excuse anything they did afterwards. I loved Albus' gift for Minerva, and that he decorated when he usually didn't, and Perenelle's cognac was just enough to make them (or allow them) to act on their feelings, but I really loved the mistletoe (Minerva's Mistletoe? Sounds like a good name for a story.) I enjoyed the story about Filch getting caught under the mistletoe, and it makes absolute sense that students wouldn't be allowed to hang it everywhere -- or anywhere, for that matter.Thank you for this delightful read!
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you very much,
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I also love fics about the adults, as you may have guessed! It was great to read all the little details that you particularly enjoyed. It had been quite a while since I'd written a MMAD fic, so I was a little trepidatious when I first stepped into this one, and I'm glad that you liked it so well!Thanks again!
Response from dsky (Reviewer)
I didn't mention all the bits I particularly liked; quoting the whole story is bad form!You're very talented, you should never feel insecure about posting, especially not something MMAD. You are the author of RaM, after all. Hmmm, RaM. I think it's time for a re-read. First, RaM, then AAoL, then DD... The fanfic equivalent of comfort food -- delicious, nourishing, and you never get tired of it! I'll try to review this time, and not get so caught up in the story I forget to give you your due...
How did I not see this earlier. That was wonderful. Wil you still be continuing any other of your fics though?
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
I'm glad you enjoyed it!I will be continuing my other stories. It's been a tough couple of years, and the last few months have been particularly difficult, so I've had no "head space" for fanfic. I don't intend to abandon them, though!Thanks for your lovely comment!
Response from uma (Reviewer)
Woohoo, i shall.continue to wait. :)
A lovely Christmas story. I'm glad that thoughts of dire things happening during this time did not stand in the way of Minerva and Albus having their own celebration.Beth
Response from MMADfan (Author of Comfort and Joy)
Thank you, Beth! I'm glad you enjoyed it.