New Chapter for Look Not at the Things
Look Not at the Things
kellychambliss11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
"To see or not to see" -- that is the question Severus Snape must ask himself when he arrives to teach at Hogwarts. Set in 1981-82.
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About kellychambliss
Member Since 2008 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 52 | 8 Reviews Written | 426 Review Responses
Teacher, editor, dyke, coffee and tea lover, amateur actor, leftist, book collector.
Fan of: McGonagall, Snape, Moody, Flitwick, Filch, all the older HP women.
4TPs: McGonagall/Hooch, McGonagall/Grubbly-Plank, McGonagall/Snape, McGonagall/Moody.
Reviews for Look Not at the Things
Snicker! For someone who claims to find old people sex disgusting, he definitely seems to have a bit of an obsession.Oh, and I forgot to say that when I first read about the grey-haired man in bed with Minerva in the earlier chapter, I was half expecting Severus to have a fit when he got a proper look at the guy coming back from the toilet and discovered it was Poppy or Rolanda.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Ha! That's a scene worth imagining, definitely. Thanks for reading, dear.
Yes, yes, Severus, you just want to stalk Minerva to practice your spycraft... Keep telling yourself that.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
As Simon & Garfunkel say, "a man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest." I see young Severus as one of those men, definitely.
I have a feeling that Severus won't be thinking of Minerva as a spinster for very much longer.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
He's for many surprises, yes /g/. Thanks for reading!~~Kelly
Oh that is rich. I like that! But of course, I love Albus and his ability to astonish with the simplest of words ... but still. I find much of your work a bit too dark for me, though well written, yet this piece, with all of Severus' venom and childishness (which is perfect Severus) is oddly light hearted - and I am very anxious to see this relationship between Ab and Minerva! To Severus's astonishment, Dumbledore gave a deep, fruity chuckle. "More than I'd like to, and he can say the same about me. He's my brother."
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
! I agree -- I meant this story to be rather fun, even though poor Severus is miserable. But like so many overwrought, emo teens who think they know everything, he can be humorous to the rest of us. Minerva/Aberforth turns out to be really enjoyable to write. Thanks for reading.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
! I agree -- I meant this story to be rather fun, even though poor Severus is miserable. But like so many overwrought, emo teens who think they know everything, he can be humorous to the rest of us. Minerva/Aberforth turns out to be really enjoyable to write. Thanks for reading.
My goodness...only in his early 20's, and Severus is already quite the cynical old sourpuss. (Then again, given some of the things he's seen and experienced, perhaps we shouldn't really blame him.) For his sake, I hope he learns something that proves him wrong...or at least loosens him up a little.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Yeah, I tend to think Severus would have been at his most cynical and paranoid in his early 20s -- fresh from his DE experiences and Lily's death. And he sounds as if he had been a fairly emo adolescent, too; I see him as still retaining a lot of that even at 22. He's got some growing up to do! Thanks for reading and commenting~~Kelly
Goo dfor him, he gave up the voyering. Loved Ab, totally loved him in this.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
You've really made my day with your reviews; thank you! So glad you enjoyed this version of Severus.
gads, this is not teh same swave man I read - you're depliction is so cute - he's a nineteen-twenty something, not filled in the breeches - not reached the floor yet, wet behind the rears as a spy, Voyer and in an annoying way adorable.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Thanks for commenting! That's exactly the Severus I hoped to create here -- one who is the opposite of suave (because really, what chance did he have to become suave in Spinner's End and then being picked on in school and having a short, violent career as a DE?) But I agree -- he's adorable, too.~~Kelly
Severus is a VOYER!! I'm shocked that Ab did't sense him, or that Minerva was unaware. Sev is boud to get cought he keep this nonsense up, and oh my lords, he's naive! horny and naive! Loved Ab, he's a hoot in this. Love him taking Sev down a notch and telling Severus how to be a spy. brilliant.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Glad you're finding Sev fun -- I certainly did. He's naive and paranoid, definitely, but he's learning!~~Kelly
ah, poor young man, so distrustful. Not that Professor McGonagall gave him much to trust when he was a student, always sticking up for her 4 bully cubs, but he's an adult now. TIme to start acting like one. teehehehe Sneaking into their rooms. bad boy.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Thanks for reading! I had fun imagining this immature and bitter young Severus. I think both he and Minerva are going to have to adjust their previous prejudices.~~Kelly
Wow! Well we sure see a different Severus here ... one who seems to have no control over his emotions, or his mouth.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
! In my head-canon, I see Severus as someone who is both intense and passionate, so I think lapses of control would not be unusual, especially in his youth. By the time we see him in canon, he's had a lot of painful time to learn to hold himself in (and even then, he often fails). In this chapter, I see him as subconsciously wanting to talk to Aberforth about McG -- so his mouth just takes over for his brain /g/. Sorry if it seems too OOC. But it was fun to write. Thanks for reading, dear.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
It doesn't seem OOC to me at all, just funny.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
*snip*(If it even was a sister-visit, of course. Given the revelations that kept coming about the staff's secret lovers and secret brothers and secret pianos, Severus wouldn't have been surprised to learn that Sprout was really headed off to a lesbian orgy.*snip*Secret pianos ...
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*Severus felt himself flush. Did every fucking person in Hogsmeade know about his past? "What, you want a secret handshake or code or something?" he sneered. "Fine, if you want to play that game. How about 'silly buggers' as a password?"To his surprise, Aberforth grinned. "Aye, Albus said you were a prickly one. No, Twinkletoes, we don't need any passwords.*snip*Ahahahahahahaha!
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
*snip*"Don't be daft. It's not me being generous, trust me. Albus pays. And why shouldn't he? You're doing a job for him. So take the whisky and shut up."*snip* Yay for our goat-brained Aberforth ... I also like seeing Severus being a bit careless - or rather, naive here - coming in and blurting out what he was doing.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
"iron nickers"
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
Such a fun review,
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Look Not at the Things)
; thank you! I agree with you about Severus being "naive" -- I keep thinking just how young he was when he first came to teach. There would have been so much he didn't know or understand, no matter how tough he thought he was. Thanks for reading.
Response from Fishy (Reviewer)
Ayep ... teen-hood tends to have a strange affect on the teen ... making them feel all-knowing and invincible ... or maybe its just our society that keeps people inactive yet in studies too long, I dunno ... but as a mother of a rebellious/self-important teenager ... Severus sounds very familiar.