New Chapter for Comme Un Rêve de Pierre
Comme Un Rêve de Pierre
Squibstress4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Stan looked at him. And that was as good as any sex Bill had ever had.
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About Squibstress
Member Since 2010 | 36 Stories | Favorited by 103 | 43 Reviews Written | 528 Review Responses
I'm a middle-aged, professional writer of non-fiction and would-be professional writer of fiction who also writes Harry Potter fanfiction just for fun.
I’m a proud member of the Harry Potter Old Lady Smut Brigade, which means I’m most interested in the older female characters in the Harry Potter saga, particularly Minerva McGonagall.
If I had received my Hogwarts letter back in nineteen-mumble-mumble, I would most likely have been sorted into Ravenclaw, or so everyone tells me, probably because I’m a geeky data-freak (my Real Life™ requires me to read piles of medical journal articles.) I, however, think I’d feel right at home in Hufflepuff too, so I consider myself a Ravenpuff.
The fics I write may contain adult themes, and I will always warn for non-con, graphic violence, bestiality, incest, or underage sex. I don't warn for homosexual relationships or sex, or for threesomes/moresomes, unless they contain one of the aforementioned elements.
Disclaimers: Anything from the Harry Potter universe belongs solely to its creator, J.K. Rowling, and her licensees. Original plot, characters, dialog, etc. are mine.
My stories are available for use under a Creative Commons attribution, non-commercial, share-alike license (CC-BY-NC-SA).
I have a blog:
I'm also on LiveJournal and Twitter (@Squibstress).
I maintain a master list of (mostly Minerva-centric) recs at Diigo.
I am a proud member of the Harry Potter Old Lady Smut Brigade.
Reviews for Comme Un Rêve de Pierre
The curiosity factor of the unusual pairing got me to give this a look. What a powerful story. I could totally see Fleur being embarrassed by Bill. So very painful for poor Bill
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
Yes, I was intrigued by the mention of this pairing in the original prompt; neither was a character I had ever considered writing before, but somehow, the idea just popped up when I read the prompt.Thanks for reading and commenting!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
Yes, I was intrigued by the mention of this pairing in the original prompt; neither was a character I had ever considered writing before, but somehow, the idea just popped up when I read the prompt.Thanks for reading and commenting!
Wow, this is so sad. How do you choose between keeping your family in one piece, or feeling like you matter to someone? I'm not even sure if there is a correct choice here. Obviously, adultery is wrong, but being miserable isn't a great option either. Perhaps it will influence him to express his feelings to Fleur, and perhaps there is a fixable reason for her actions that has nothing to do with finding him unattractive. Perhaps ... sigh.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
It is a dilemma, isn't it? I think fiction is all about the "what if," and this was a particularly sad one to imagine, but possible, I think.Thanks for reading and commenting!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
It is a dilemma, isn't it? I think fiction is all about the "what if," and this was a particularly sad one to imagine, but possible, I think.Thanks for reading and commenting!
Hm...I was half-expecting to write a review suggesting that your name ought to be "Squickstress" (Bill and Stan????? The mind boggles...) but now I find that I can't. Much as we might sometimes wish they did, the threads which make up the fabric of our lives don't always fall the way we expect them to or tie up neatly...and the truth is that real life is a lot more like this than we ever think it will be.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
I know... the prompt just made it pop into my head, so I went with it, LOL!I like looking at the messiness and loose ends of life, so I'm glad that stood out.Thanks for reading!
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
I know... the prompt just made it pop into my head, so I went with it, LOL!I like looking at the messiness and loose ends of life, so I'm glad that stood out.Thanks for reading!
Unusual pairing, but it works. :)
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
Unusual indeed, but it was fun to write.I'm glad you thought it worked.
Response from Squibstress (Author of Comme Un Rêve de Pierre)
Unusual indeed, but it was fun to write.I'm glad you thought it worked.