New Chapter for Daddy Dearest
Daddy Dearest
peskipiksi11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Snape gets a shock at the first Order meeting after the war.
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About peskipiksi
Member Since 2011 | 46 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 61 Reviews Written | 680 Review Responses
Actor, singer, hypnotist from Cornwall, UK.
Reviews for Daddy Dearest
That was an extremely mean and cruel trick to pull on a wounded man, that's what makes it so funny.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
At least Teddy's too young to be told off!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
At least Teddy's too young to be told off!
LOL Poor Severus. I can definitely see the look of abject horror that must have been on his face. Poor man subjected to being the butt of their jokes.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thanks! He may have survived Nagini, but I'm surprised this didn't finish him off!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thanks! He may have survived Nagini, but I'm surprised this didn't finish him off!
This is not nice to mock a wounded man. But it is fun! Good job!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
I know; I did feel mean! Thanks for the review; glad you liked it even so. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
I know; I did feel mean! Thanks for the review; glad you liked it even so. :)
Oh my god that was the funniest thing I've nearly ever read. Hilarious!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it.
Poor Severus pickable makes me wonder how detailed was Tonks when going over how Severus' health was that Ted would pick up on it. Lol and lupin seemed a bit unsure of the situation. I loved the story!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Yes, Teddy’s a bit precocious, I’m afraid! I guess the conversation went a bit like: ‘At least he doesn’t look like a bat any more – can’t wear the high collars with the bite, you see. Honestly, Mum, he’d be quite presentable if he washed that awful long hair; and his eyes, they’re so dark and empty, they make me shiver! Mind you, nothing’s going to change the hooked nose, is it? Poor bloke!’
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Yes, Teddy’s a bit precocious, I’m afraid! I guess the conversation went a bit like: ‘At least he doesn’t look like a bat any more – can’t wear the high collars with the bite, you see. Honestly, Mum, he’d be quite presentable if he washed that awful long hair; and his eyes, they’re so dark and empty, they make me shiver! Mind you, nothing’s going to change the hooked nose, is it? Poor bloke!’
Poor Severus! Tonks is lucky he doesn't have heart problems. But what a fantastic ability to have! Hopefully Severus has retired before he enters Hogwarts :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Yes, not really a good idea with an invalid, I must admit! Severus has got eleven years to think up suitable punishments for any pranks played by Teddy!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Yes, not really a good idea with an invalid, I must admit! Severus has got eleven years to think up suitable punishments for any pranks played by Teddy!
So funny - poor old Severus! Perfect bit of disdainful dignity fom him at the end as well. And I do like fics where Lupin and Tonks survived!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Oh, I agree. I understand why they had to die, but I wish they hadn't!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Oh, I agree. I understand why they had to die, but I wish they hadn't!
Just wait until Teddy gets to Hogwarts, Sev... ;)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
He'll be worse than the Weasley twins, I reckon!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
He'll be worse than the Weasley twins, I reckon!
Really funny and very imaginative.Well done!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thank you very much :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thank you very much :)
Poor Severus.. that was not a nice trick Tonks played on him. Other then that it was a great little story :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Like she said, it was too good an opportunity to waste! But it was very mean on a recuperating Severus, yes. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Like she said, it was too good an opportunity to waste! But it was very mean on a recuperating Severus, yes. :)
Haha, I didn't recognize her immediately for Tonks, but this was funny. Great prompt to work with lol.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Daddy Dearest)
Thanks! Yes the prompt was such fun to respond to.