New Chapter for Hand-Me-Down
richardgloucester19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
A father's meditation on his life, his marriage and his son. Written for Snapecase 2012. Beta-read by the lovely Annie Talbot, Pyjamapants and Machshefa.
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About richardgloucester
19 Stories | Favorited by 337 | 22 Reviews Written | 585 Review Responses
RichardGloucester is now also a published author, under the name Jae Eynon, with stories in a new anthology, "IMMANENCE" (Story Spring Publishing, 2016) and "Thoroughly Modern Monsters" (Story Spring Publishing, 2013). She still loves the world of Harry Potter and sails the SSHG ship!
Reviews for Hand-Me-Down
I really liked this, since it gave Tobias a bit of humanity. There are always two sides to every story, and the truth usually lies somewhere in between -- all we ever see of Tobias is through the eyes and memories of Severus, and he's far from an objective witness (especially since the memories are those of a child without the understanding and perspective of maturity). Yes, Severus was clearly neglected as a child...but most parents who neglect a child don't do so out of malice, but for some other reason.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you for this kind review, and I am so glad you liked the story. :)
Wow. That was powerful. Everyone always assumes Tobias was the blighter, but I love the turnabout here where it's Eileen who's the blighter. Just makes it that much more heartbreaking that it's his mother who keeps him from magic, not his father. I love that there was magic in Tobias' family (I figure all the Muggle-borns have magic somewhere, but just don't know where). Great job, especially with it written in dialect.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you for this. Yes, I often wondered whether it was realy Eileen who turned her back on magic - it would explain why she refused to defend herself and her son when she had the power to do so.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you for this. Yes, I often wondered whether it was realy Eileen who turned her back on magic - it would explain why she refused to defend herself and her son when she had the power to do so.
Love the unique POV and the twist on the Tobias/Eileen relationship.:)
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
How nice to see a different side of Severus' childhood. Not that this one was much happier than the traditional tales we hear, but still, it was a nice spin on his background.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you very much.
Such a wonderful take on Tobias and Eileen's relationship. I love that Severus is getting some of his skills from his father. The dialect really draws me in
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
That was an amazing story - a creative and unexpected twist on Severus' childhood. I can easily imagine that is how it went. There is nothing in canon to contradict it. Would be nice to think that at least one of his parents loved him. We usually tend to lean toward the mom, because she is the magical one. But it could just have easily have gone this way.I can hear the entire conversation in my head - accent and all. Well done.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you so much for this lovely comment.
Such a fine story; I really enjoyed the chance to reread this.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
Brilliant! The other side of the story.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
Love it - It is Severus' family history that I find fascinating. In typical JKR fashion, it is hinted at, but I feel that it is 'smoke and mirrors', and not to be trusted.I think that here is a viable scenario for his back ground.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
There are no words - this is exceptional work - you've shown us so beautifully that Severus was, indeed, the child of BOTH of his parents...
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you very much!
Very nicely done (as always). This is the kind of Tobias Snape I think of whenever Snape's memory is brought up. I sometimes wonder what happened to his parents.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you! Yes, it would be interesting to know what became of them.
I really like back stories about Severus' Muggle background, and I love where you have taken us with this little gem of a one off! You have made Tobias into a three dimensional character who has flaws and struggles and is broken, like a lot of us, and you make me want to cry, and I am smiling at the grittiness and beauty of this story! Love it!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you very much for this lovely comment. I'm pleased my story moved you.
What a fabulous chapter. We never see Tobias' side of things. This is brilliant.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
Thank you! Sometimes I get so tired of the traditional telling of Severus' childhood. This was fresh and full of dimension and life.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
That's really lovely. Thank you.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
This actually brought me to tears. I LOVE that Tobias is the one that loved him. Thank goodness somebody did.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you for this! I'm so pleased that my story moved you.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you for this! I'm so pleased that my story moved you.
A very interesting POV. Thank you.
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!
Response from richardgloucester (Author of Hand-Me-Down)
Thank you!