New Chapter for Out for a Duck
Out for a Duck
peskipiksi14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Who was that masked bloke running starkers through the Ministry of Magic?!
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About peskipiksi
Member Since 2011 | 46 Stories | Favorited by 37 | 61 Reviews Written | 680 Review Responses
Actor, singer, hypnotist from Cornwall, UK.
Reviews for Out for a Duck
Arthur! Arthur! he's our man, if he can't do it no one can.
So well done, and three cheers for you too.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
He really deserves that promotion, doesn't he? (PS that's how he got the 'Confiscation and Detection' job)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
He really deserves that promotion, doesn't he? (PS that's how he got the 'Confiscation and Detection' job)
LOL Wonderfully done and I love the mixing in of quotes from the books. And good job Arthur. Your love of all things Muggle really helps, doesn't it?
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thanks. Yes, Arthur was the only one who could have handled this!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thanks. Yes, Arthur was the only one who could have handled this!
I do love the fact that while Arthur got him to put clothes on, he still wasn't wearing any trousers. And the butt-waggle at Kingsley. And the line with the multiple Ministers. Reminded me of an old movie, Danny Kaye I believe. Thanks for the laugh!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
So glad you liked the multiple Minister line - I wondered if it was a bit much. And pity Mafalda Hopkirk; she was standing in front of Chorley at the time of the butt-waggle! :)
Good one! And Arthur Weasley is my new hero. :)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Mine too :)
This is a lovely innocent bit of light hearted humour, making very pleasant reading when other stuff is a bit too heavy to deal with. Thanks
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thank you so much. I'm very glad you liked it. :)
that was a 'Quacking' good story! ~sorry poor joke. that was funny :O)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thanks :) I did consider calling it Going Quackers!
Resourceful man, that Arthur Weasley. By the way, I'm still quacking up!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thanks :) It was a nice prompt.
And Donald was almost pulled by the censors because he wasn't wearing trousers or so I've heard. Poor Disney. NOT! ^_^
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Oh wow; I didn't know that. But I can well believe it! They should have brough in Arthur. :)
I think you're quackers! :P
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Did think about calling it Going Quackers, actually :)
Hah! Well done Arthur, putting all that Muggle learning to good use!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
He knew it would come in handy one day!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
He knew it would come in handy one day!
ha, thanks for a good laugh! Quack. Trust a father of 7 to know how to persuade someone while staying in a role game!
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Oh yes - I have a five year old niece, so I know about persuading people to do stuff while role-playing (usually as a fairy!) Glad you liked it.
What a great idea! Brava, un applauso dall'Italia. ;)
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Thank you!
Yay! Arthur saves the day. Still, I love how the situation is all better by getting him to wear a shirt. Clearly that is the most important of all the clothing, LOL.
Response from peskipiksi (Author of Out for a Duck)
Arthur's still expected to get Herbert into trousers before he gets his promotion, though ;)