New Chapter for Neither the Laurel Nor the Rose
Neither the Laurel Nor the Rose
darnedchild17 Reviews | 17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
The Malfoy family expects to receive the finest service possible, no matter what the task. When Draco seeks the affections of Hermione Granger, he enlists the aid of a careful wordsmith – one Severus Snape. Written for Devsgma for the 2011 SSHG Exchange.
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About darnedchild
Member Since 2007 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 11 | 0 Reviews Written | 0 Review Responses
I like to play in other people's sandboxes.
Devsgma and I collaborated on a lovely SS/HG fic titled Beyond 84 Charing Cross Road, which can be found posted under her author account.
Reviews for Neither the Laurel Nor the Rose
This was a jolly romp of a read lol. Thanks so much for writing and sharing. So pleased it worked out for Severus in the end and that Malfoy eloping would hopefully free Severus from that life debt. Thanks again.
Wonderfully done. I love how he used the letter to spur their relationship to the next level at the end. Thank goodness Draco is rather obtuse and was not wholly invested in his father's idea.
Nice twist on Cyrano de Bergerac. I look forward to reading the conclusion to this and wonder what poor Draco's reaction will be.
This is totally smashing!!! Love, Love, Love it!! A true Valentine's treat if ever there was one. Thank you so much for sharing!
I'm very glad that this time around, Cyrano didn't die before getting the girl...especially since in this version, Christian (Draco) had very little to recommend him apart from his wealth.
I Loved this! And yes, that's Loved with a capital L. So wonderful to see such an insightful Hermione and a smitten Severus. You just made my Valentine's Day!
Loved it! Light and fluffy and funny. Thanks for writing this.
See, I was right.. I knew Draco was mad for Astoria - I'm rather glad he finally stood up to Lucius and married for love - I suspect it will do him a great deal of good. All in all, a sweet reshaping of the Cyrano story.
I love this. So Funny! What a wit you have.
Draco was such a great "less intelligent" foil for both of their dry senses of humor. Very well done. -->
When Severus made the comment that him receiving a love letter would have meant the end of the world, I think she could feel his hurt and I wondered why, throughout this whole story, she never did write him one. It is a terrible thing to believe that love is something that will never be for you. The hopelessness is crushing. I am surprised she let him stay there in that place for so long. I understand it from a plot perspective, she kept her cards close and moved slowly and inexorably, but it is sad to see him like that.
Great story, marvellously written and well told. Romantic without being overly mushy. I was really surprised that you finished this in only two chapters; but you packed so much meaning, angst and revelation in it that one couldn't ask for more. Absolutely loved this! Bravo!!!
You had me giggling by the end of this. Good Job! ^_^
And yet I suspect Draco is not such a willing suitor - perhaps he carries Astoria in his secret heart - and is merely complying with his father's demands where Hermione is concerned? Now wouldn't that be quite the tangle...
Uh-oh. Poor Hermione. It seems like she already had a thing for Severus before he made her go out with Draco. He practically dared her to! And of course Severus is going to dig himself in a lot deeper before he crawls out of that particular hole.
*snerk* This should be good. ^_^
Great start! Can't wait to see what happens! Seriously. I. Can't. Wait. So get writing!
Hmmmmm...I've been thinking for quite some time now that someone really should write a SS/HG story based on "Cyrano de Bergerac" with Draco as Christian (preferably one in which Cyrano doesn't have to die in order to get the girl), but I have to admit that a canon-based version of Draco was not quite what I'd had in mind! This could get very interesting...
awesome first chapter! :)