New Chapter for A Witch's Birthday
A Witch's Birthday
morgaine_dulac19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
On the night of her birthday, she remembers the man she once loved.
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About morgaine_dulac
Member Since 2008 | 52 Stories | Favorited by 122 | 948 Reviews Written | 2,443 Review Responses
Born: in the glorious year of 1979, when Dio joined Black Sabbath and Peter Pettigrew started passing on information to the Dark Lord
Colours: black, green, silver
Passions: writing, cooking, baking, witchcraft
Obsessions: quite a few, chocolate for one (hi Lupin!), but mainly a certain Potions master and a blond DE.
When I am not writing alone, I co-write with my favourite Ravenclaw star_girl. Look for sevs_starsisters to find our stories.
Published writer since 2014. Original fiction is good fun, but I find myself returning to fan fiction every now and then
Reviews for A Witch's Birthday
Sad and sweet.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
And a tad dark. I really hope my shrink doesn't read on TPP.
Hi again! Loved the gradual change in Sev's attitude towards the unnamed lady. Wait, he becomes a...a...a GHOST???? Well, tbh, he does have a few vague similarities with the Baron (for instance, they both share a dark, brooding nature and a don't-you-dare-mess-with-me attitude)... hmm hmm, you got me thinking!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Nice to see you again! :-) I've written a whole story with Severus being a ghost, as the idea tickled my muse so much! It was good fun... and heartbreaking at the same time.
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
Am off to check it out.
At least there was some love in his life,and he will wait for her to join him.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
He will most certainly wait for her, and we must cross our fingers that they will be happy in the afterlife. Thank you so much for reading and leaving a note! It's always nice to have someone read my old stories.
So sad. At least they ahd some happiness before the end.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
I tend to write awfully sad stuff... Sorry for the late reply. It does not normally take me that long, but RL has been crazy. Hopefully back on track now and soon back to fan fic.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
I tend to write awfully sad stuff... Sorry for the late reply. It does not normally take me that long, but RL has been crazy. Hopefully back on track now and soon back to fan fic.
This was simply beautiful and very sad simultaneously. I love it.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Glad you liked it, sweetie.
This was sad, but at least they had a bit of time together. I liked that it was a no-name witch. Lovely.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Thank you very much for reading and taking the time to leave your thoughts. I am very glad you liked the little story.
Wonderful! Love the *everywoman/witch* persona but at the same time she's uniquely *unique* & special and an equal solitaire soul as our dearest Severus is... Love your slow build - year by year - of their interactions, and of course, love the vision of him having had someone & some affection/tenderness in his life: beautiful, moving comapact one-shot: lovely, poignant work as always!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Thanks, sweetie. Your words are very much appreciated!
Blue eyes, eh? Hmm, that rules out Hermione.Such a excruciatingly long courtship, and such a devastatingly short time together. It's a beautiful story. Thanks for writing and posting it.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Oh yes, blue eyes rule out Hermione. That ship doesn't sail my oceans, sorry. Glad you like the little story anyway :-)
I must admit that, for the snarky little pest you are, you write these touching pieces even too well. I am always ready to surrender to the emotions that you evoke.Beautiful story and beautiful feelings. The more we age, the more we are surrounded by the ghosts of those we've met, known, loved. Even if they are still alive but no longer living with us or near us, memories are like quiet ghosts. I am an old, emotional Italian, you know?Grazie per averci regalato un'altra piccola parte di te.However, I have a very private thought about this story that I can't share here. But if you want, I can send you a PM.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Snarky little pest, eh? I think I'll print that on a t-shirt! And you know that your PMs are always welcome.
que triste.he is there, around her, but no way to be together again.So sad, that they hadn't been granted more time together.*sniff*well, hard decision, but she might be right. Staying in his quartes is all fine, but it would sooner or later madden her, to be so close to one beloved, and never get him back. Rather face the music and leave. Keep him in your heart, but end the story.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Those we love will never truly leave us. For better or worse. Thanks for reading and leaving your thoughts.
Aw... poor thing. I'm glad she has her memories to draw from and that he's there to wish her well even if he doesn't do so directly.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Wonder if I'll ever learn how to be nice to my characters.
This is bittersweet. It's lovely to think Severus had some support and happiness in his final years. It's sad for his partner who is left behind, but he obvioulsy cared enough for her to want her happiness in the end, though sad for him to lose her.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
I told my friends that I had a fanfic relapse. Seems like I had a bittersweet relapse as well. Glad you liked it. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
How sad, but why would Severus be a ghost? He was a brave man so he likely wasn't afraid to cross over.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Unfinished business? Maybe he couldn't leave before she had let go off him?
I like the way you don't give her a name. Just a little comfort for him over those last years.:)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Someone just asked me if I am too lazy to come up with names for my OCs :P But I think it doesn't matter who she is. She was there to give him some comfort and is now a symbol for all the ones who have lost someone they loved. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Menas a lot!
I know it's sad for her, whoever she may be, but I find the idea that Severus had someone to share the misery of his last horrific year, comforting. It's a much pleasanter thought than the fate Ms Rowling had for him. This was tender, painful and poignant. And you still managed to evoke a smile with the little glimpse at his flitration with Ms X.LOVELY!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
Glad you liked it! I, too, find it comforting to know that there was someone around for Snape during the last year especially.
so sad, so beatiful. It is nice to know he at least had a year or so of happines
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
It has always bugged my like hell that Snape was so terribly alone, especially during his year as headmaster. He would have deserved someone who held his hand at night. Thanks for reading, hun. Means a lot!
Now, the question is: Is this Aurora Sinistra, Septima Vector, or someone else? Poor thing. Well written, you said a lot with few words.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
I have no idea who she is. She just came wondering into my study last week. I guess she is just one of many who has lost a loved one. Thanks for reading!
I don't know who she might be but honestly it doesn't really matter. I'm just glad they found some happiness together in the middle of a war and am terribly sad he's not here anymore for her.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of A Witch's Birthday)
She could be anyone, any of us who has ever lost a loved one. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Means a lot!
Oh my, how sad, for the both of them. I always find the image of Snape as a ghost particularly sad, since it feels like even moving over peacefully was denied to him.
Is this OC the one of your long (two?) fics? I haven't read them yet, so I won't know. But it works perfectly as a stand-alone, even if it is. Great work! *sniffle*
Author's Response: The woman was inspired by one of my OCs (Morgaine), but then again, it's not her. Just another lonely soul.