New Chapter for Wicked Fun
Wicked Fun
LivingTheDream7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Severus finds himself increasingly distracted by a pleasant red head.
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About LivingTheDream
14 Stories | Favorited by 13 | 61 Reviews Written | 243 Review Responses
Reviews for Wicked Fun
Minverva sounds quite enervating here. The nagging mother.And the Professors are treated like littel children.Behave, apologise, eat your dinner.oh by jolly. Life here isn't wonder he clings to his ogdens.this must change. soon. help him.
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
Don't worry, between Molly and Hermione, they'll get the job done.Thank you for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.
a new pairing! I can't belive it.sounds so light and charming what is going on here.and Arthur a bad husband? no, neverI like him very, must have overread to much in the books.well, she is a hot tempered girl, isn't she. Snape really summed it up.And now they are
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
Thank you. I'm glad you like the story.Thank you for the review.
love it!!
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
Thanks. :)Thank you for the review.
"Get a girl. Or at least get a hobby, preferably one that doesn’t involve getting a group tattoo and setting fire to Muggles"Macrame! I can just see it: A nice group of macrame enthusiasts talking yarn and knots over a pot of tea and some home-baked munchies. Maybe he could invite Molly to join him? ;)
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
Macrame has always confused and frightened me, darling. Thank you for the review.
Thank goodness. Finally, Molly is written as a capable witch and woman, Yay! I am so excited. Please, please, write more.
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
The next chapter is in queue. Yes, I always thought Molly was a really powerful witch, and I was completely disappointed with how the final scene in the film played out, despite my love of Julie Walters.Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.
You going to finish it this time? Otherwise, I might have to spank you. :P
Response from LivingTheDream (Author of Wicked Fun)
I'm tempted to tell you no so you'll have to come over here and do it.