New Chapter for Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear
Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear
scaranda15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Week four of the Daily Prophet’s spectacular series of interviews: Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear, by Lee Jordan.
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Reviews for Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear
Good one!
Lucius may be mad as a hatter, but he's in better company as a bullshitter than he ever was as a Death Eater. Harry? Oh, dear.
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
And he probably wouldn't be allowed to wear his admiral's uniform in the Death Eaters either.Thanks so much for dropping a line.
Hah, I love the fact that Harry is up next!
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Thanks so much!I hope think it will be tough for him.
I have to kill Gilderoy Lockhart before teatime. -- sounds perfectly sane to me.
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Quite!I think that's a hint that he's still bullshitting.Thanks for dropping a line.
Response from Owlbait (Reviewer)
Leave it to Lucius to be crazy like a fox :o)
Interesting interview and a lovely insinuation at the end.
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Thanks so much.Insinuating, moi?
Great interview (and descriptive inner thoughts and action)! Deluded Lucius - can't wait for the interview with Harry Potter! Sequel demanded!
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Thanks so much!I may just write that sequel one day.
This is scary. Sad in a way that rips my heart in two. Not even Lucius deserved to lose his mind so completely. Poor Death Eater. (I can't believe I said that)
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
It would be sadder (scarier too) if he just bullshitted his way into St Mungo's as an alternative to Azkaban though, now wouldn't it?Thanks so much for your comment.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
True. Did he?
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Erm... I plead the 5th (I didn't have any words left).
I can't decide whether to laugh or cry. Poor Lucius.
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Oh, just laugh, it's better for your facial muscles.Thanks so much for that!
LOL! Oh, poor, deluded Lucius...
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
I wonder if he actually is.Thanks for that.
Fabulous title. I'd really like a subscription to Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear, magical or otherwise. (Did Lee go into this interview knowing Lucius' mental status or is it not known in the wizarding world at large?) I enjoy the whole interview structure you employ here, but my favourite line? "Lucius: I'm a modest man."
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Thanks for that.Subscriptions are available by emailing me directly once my name has been published. 30 Galleons (chicken feed for the quality of literature) per year.
There's something so poignant about this. Interesting, how revisionist history takes over.
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
Thanks so much.Revisionist history indeed, how right you are; just a story told from someone else's point of view.
Harry's next. hehe! :)
Response from scaranda (Author of Great Bullshitters of Yesteryear)
It would be best for him if he doesn't look forward to it, I suspect.Thanks for that.
... steering him away from the cupboard into which he was about to make his grand exit.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen :)
Aw. poor, loopy, Lucy. lol
Trust Lucius, even his Bullshit is of the hightest quality.