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War Heroes Unveiled
HBAR23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
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Reviews for War Heroes Unveiled
Oh Ron, you have humiliated a Malfoy, be afraid, be VERY afraid.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Yes, I can see this as a back and forth feud for years to come, neither wanting the other to have the last laugh. I happen to like Ron quite a lot, but my money is definitely on Malfoy. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
I like Ron too, with him what you see,is what you get. Where Draco has deep down cunning. Ron will assume all is forgoten, and WHAM, the axe will fall.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Yes, I can see this as a back and forth feud for years to come, neither wanting the other to have the last laugh. I happen to like Ron quite a lot, but my money is definitely on Malfoy. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
I like Ron too, with him what you see,is what you get. Where Draco has deep down cunning. Ron will assume all is forgoten, and WHAM, the axe will fall.
I almost sprayed the screen with coffee. Was "wank-worthy" the moment? The whole thing was so amusing. It was when she said she got it for the articles, and Draco believed her. You are solid gold, babe. Don't you dare change a thing. I love every word. My God, you have a gift. Really. I am dying laughing! You're brilliant!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Oh, man. All of this high praise is going to go to my head. It makes me so happy to know that I could make you laugh. I won't, however, be held responsible if your computer shorts out from coffee spray :)
Ooooh! I like! Perfect revenge. ^_^
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
It seemed like a Slytherin thing to do. I'm glad you enjoyed this.
Spiders of South America. Hoo boy, is he going to be terrified. Loved it.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
As a fellow hater of spiders, I actually felt bad for doing that to Ron. But Draco made me do it :)
LMAO! Love Draco's revenge! :O)
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
I am so glad that I could make you laugh. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
There was a word restriction!I hear you, fellow contesant. How far can a word limit get us? Hopefully not to a forrest full of spiders. Hermione is vedious in this one and it read great.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Thank you. I find that I have diarrhea of the mouth, and it is really difficult to make anything happen properly in five hundred words of less. I just had to get that complaint out of my system via Ron :)
Oooh, now that's a very appropriate, very Slytherin revenge! Dare I hope that a one-way Portkey to Ron's surprise vacation is included?
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
I'm sure it is. Draco is very thorough in his revenge. Glad you liked it!
"I actually believe that" Oddly, me too.What a shame your word limit means we can't see what other gems Ron came up with!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Poor Ron. Why didn't he just con Hermione into doing it for him, just lke in the olden days? Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Love it! As a person with a phobia of spiders myself, I can say that is very very good revenge!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
I'm with you on the spider fear. I almost felt guilty doing that to him, even though this is entirely fictitious! Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Oh my! His revenge was so apt. And isn't language great in its ability to be both pertinent and ambiguous?! Loved it!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Well said. Language can be dangerous even for the most skilled folks. Glad you liked it!
Hahaha! Brilliant with the 'word restrictions' - LOL! Sweet, lovely twist at the end - can't wait to Ron's face when he gets there - hehe!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Yes, I might be channelling some of my frustration with word counts through Ron, but fortunately he was kind enough to let me vent :) Poor Ron. Glad you enjoyed it.
"Now she is the sexiest wife on the planet." (Smiling to self.) "I actually believe that." (Unexpected burst of laughter.) The letter written by "Hermione"? (Perfect!)
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
's review (smiling to self.)
Hehe.Awesome revenge! :)
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Thanks. I don't believe Draco is one to do things half-heartedly.
LOL... I guess we see the results of being too concise.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Absolutely! I might be channelling my own difficulties with a word count through Ron. He was kind enough to let me vent a bit :)
Oh ho ho! Draco, you fiend! That's horrific :)
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Yeah, I'm with Ron on the spider issue. I actually felt bad writing that even though it is fictitious :) Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Ha! Nice Slytherin revenge!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Well, we can't have Draco letting someone get the best of him, now can we? Glad you enjoyed it.
That was a delight. I love Draco's revenge.
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Yes, I can't see Draco ever letting something go without trying to one up the person who wronged him. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
It's my husband's greatest desire to go on your Spiders of South America expedition. -- priceless!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Thanks! Ron and I are two peas in a pod on that front, so I feel his pain. Didn't stop me from doing it to him, but I can sympathize.
Everyone was deliciously in character here. Hermione's revenge is sweet indeed!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
deliciously in character ...I think you've just made my day. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Oh turnabout is definitely fair play!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Makes me wonder if Ron will be able to let it go and consider them even, or if the plotting of his revenge will begin. If he survives, that is ...
Tee hee. Well he *is* really good at it. LOL
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
Indeed. Poor Ron should have just asked Hermione to write it for him like he always did with his school work. Of course, no telling what she would have come up with either. Glad I could make you laugh!
OMG that was funny!!!
Response from HBAR (Author of War Heroes Unveiled)
I am more inclined to humor than anything. Glad you found it amusing. :)