New Chapter for Fact or Fiction?
Fact or Fiction?
blue artemis20 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
The unspoken Weasley motto is: Never get Arthur angry.
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About blue artemis
blue artemis
Member Since 2006 | 115 Stories | Favorited by 156 | 3,537 Reviews Written | 1,212 Review Responses
Reviews for Fact or Fiction?
I love Arthur, Percy deserves all he gets. Severus lives
so Marcus needs to move on.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Arthur is underrated. I rather adore him.
Loved it. Thought the culprit was Ron for a bit.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
I was hoping more people thought that for a while. Thanks!
Clever way how to dispute all untoward rumours Percy's book caused. Arthus is a force to be reckoned with.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
I can't imagine Arthur being parent to all those children and keeping his sanity if he doesn't put the fear of God or Merlin into them at some points. Thanks!
THE SPOOOOOOON!!!! (Love it!)
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Thank you!
Percy really blew it this time. And if anyone still took him seriously before this, that's all gone after Arthur's explanation in the Prophet. 'Ol Perce might as well kiss any lofty ambitions goodbye!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Arthur got even quite nicely. Any attempts at getting ahead will be seen as megalomania. Thanks!
Oh dear, you think Percy would have learnt from the last time he upset the family...
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
You would think... Thanks!
Ha, ha, ha. Arthur gets the last word!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Darn straight! Thanks!
Nice! Always beware the temper of a patient man... especially a red-head!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Exactly! Thanks!
Go, Arthur, go! Love this - everyone in an uproar! HA! Great dynamics! Of course, everyone would be believe that Percy was easy pickings for Rita!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Thank you!
Percy is a git! :)
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
He certainly can be. Thanks!
Good old Arthur! Boy, Percy really screwed up this time!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Yes, he certainly did! Thanks!
I like the spoon! Can I get one of them to use around here? Actually, I'm laughing because that was my mom's weapon of choice with me as well! After about four or five times of using it, I learned really fast not to upset her!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
My grandma and my MIL as well. Thanks!
Percy shouldn't underestimate Arthur
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
I don't think anyone should. Thanks!
Aw... poor boy... he'll never live this down.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Nope. But he asked for it. Thanks!
Huh. Marcus? Surprising. Tsk, tsk Percy.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
He was being a bad boy. (Percy, that is...) Thanks!
Serves him right! But I would have loved to see Marcus take his bits off *grin*
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
Hee. Thanks!
Poor Ron. I just assumed it was him, LOL. Will anyone ever write a nice story about Percy? Does anyone even care? :)At least he got what was coming.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
I don't know that I care enough to write a nice Percy story. But thanks! I figured everyone would think it was Ron to start with.
Hee hee, so THAT explains it! I never understood why Percy turned into sucha git. Thanks for clearing it up for us. lol
Response from blue artemis (Author of Fact or Fiction?)
~smiles~ Thanks!