New Chapter for It’s the Intent That Counts
It’s the Intent That Counts
nata26 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Everybody knows Snape’s dead. Why is he standing in front of the Wizengamot then?
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About nata
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 6 | 436 Reviews Written | 218 Review Responses
Slytherin is my house by choice, no matter the Sorting Hat's opinion.
Central European. Mother. Scholar. Published author (one story as of January 2010, but, hey, it counts!), entirely thanks to Southern.
My stories have been Featured here at TPP:
- February 2010: The Proof of the Pudding
- April 2007: Cleared of the Murder
Reviews for It’s the Intent That Counts
Oh my, silly Wizengamot. Far more a punishment for Snape than it is for Neville!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Nah, I think there are both in for a ride. Severus is Neville's boggart, after all.
I loved it!!! Neville vs. Snape - how wonderful!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Thank you! Severus was sure to win that dispute, but to ensure it, he should have let the public know he lived.
poor NevilleBeing forced to brew along his "Boggard" for 30 hours.Well, if Snape behaves just a littel, Neville might be cured afterwards. AND become a great potioneer. Well, better than at school then.And how did Snape "sniff flowers" from behind his brewing kettle where he does the potions for St. Mungos.Grand idea.and Trelawney stands for any person in the world. I know this, and this is true, no matter what my eyes see or what I am told. I stick to my privat world and knowledge.This is human behaviour. soo typical.Great idea of yours.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
I think they will both behave during the forced partnership, and you are right that Neville might finally learn to read Severus.Harry told everyone that Severus had died in the final battle, and Severus let the public believe it. He secured a few potions contracts and lived away from public attention. He always interacted with few people so there was little change for him.
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
thank you for rounding off. now I can see clearly.some need it spelled out, I am one of them. sorry. might hurt the creative ones, I know. the nicer of you, to give a way some "back ground" information on your story.
LOL. Who exactly are they punishing? ;)
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Good question. Nevertheless. the Wizengamot would huff in annoyance and answer, "Longbottom to the great benefit of Snape." Severus would clench his jaw and Neville would whimper.
Snape's vindictiveness just bit him in the behind, bigtime. His poor Potions lab will never be the same!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
*evil grin* Yes!
I am sick and not supposed to laugh but this did it. Great job.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Oh, dear. *asks Severus for a Pepper-Up**Severus groans*Nope. The potion is not available at the moment.*sends healing vibes instead* Better?
It's alive! Alive! LOL! Snape's not going to have fun with this verdict AT ALL!!!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
He wanted some retribution, but it backfired rather spectacularly.
Yay, great work! *g*
Author's Response: Thanks!
My poor Snape. Now he's stuck with Longbottom for the duration...
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
And he has himself to blame for that fate.
That is too funny. I love it. He should have kept the hat.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
He thinks so, too. Now.
LOL! This was fun! I liked how Severus' attempt to sue Neville backfired.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Thank you.
Ha ha! You reap what you sow, dear Severus!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Ha! This is too funny. No going back now, Snape! Very nicely done.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Thank you.
Oh, this was hilarious! I love dialogue-only, and what great fun - that Snape was unsettling denizens of Diagon Alley merely by being alive. ~grins~ Clever Mystery Author. :-)
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Thank you. If he let the world know that he lived, instead of keeping it from general public, Neville would have expected him a bit more.
I'm... not really sure what happened here. Huh.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Oh, my. I'm sorry for the confusion.Severus survived the war and left to live away from society, leaving the issue of his death unresolved for the public. He secured a contract with St. Mungo's to brew potions for which he occassionally needed to go buy suplies. Avoiding the crowds, he came to Diagon Alley early in the morning. He met Neville, who got frightened assuming he sees a boggart, not knowing that Snape survived. Severus got angry for finding himself in dress robes and a vulture hat in the middle of Diagon Alley in front of witnesses and sued Neville for assault. But Trelawney accepts herself as delusional and Mundungus was drinking the whole night. Both disregarded seeing Severus as a fact. The Wizengamot found Neville guilty of assault and, without knowing the past history of Severus and Neville in Potions, they changed Neville with a punnishment that backfired for Severus.Things in this story happened because the characters didn't have enough information.
Great take on 'unseen' and extra credit for the vulture hat :-)
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Oh, poor Severus! Talk about adding insult to injury -- he has to tolerate Neville as his assistant now!
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
He is not blameless in this. He could have walked away. Or at least come out of hiding earlier and Neville wouldn't be that frightened. They both overreacted and got to lay in bed they made.
LOL! Now that's what I call justice....
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
I'll drink to that.
OMG - what a sentencing! Poor Snape! Poor Neville! Wonderful clever twists with the precedings - HA! LOL
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Thank you. I'm very happy you found my choice of witnesses amusing.
Loved it:-)) But, poor Severus were the one who got punished, dealing with Neville and potions in the same room again:-))
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Well, Severus was the one to sue Neville in the first place.
This was fun. Poor Snape, though.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Not really. He didn't have to go overboard and sue Neville for a simple mistake. But he is punished for that lack of judgement.
Oh, that didn't go as planned, did it?
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Certainly not. Severus was a bit more vindictive than merited and it backfired.
Too cute! Good use of the prompt.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Thank you.
LOL... sometimes it's important to do things because of the principle, but in this case it probably would have been better to transfigure one's clothes back.
Response from nata (Author of It’s the Intent That Counts)
Poor Severus expected to get back at Neville for all the grief he'd caused over the years as detentions were not enough.