New Chapter for Lovegood's Secret
Lovegood's Secret
debjunk19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Chapters (1)
About debjunk
Member Since 2008 | 76 Stories | Favorited by 271 | 3,083 Reviews Written | 4,563 Review Responses
I am a classically trained singer with three children. I love Star Trek and have watched probably every episode of every series. Favorite HP charaters are Snape and McGonagall. (not as a couple.)
Reviews for Lovegood's Secret
I love how Luna gets away with anything she wants simply because she's Luna. She clearly put that to good use here!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
She does get away with anything, doesn't she?
I do think the dirigible plum ploy was cute, but Luna/Severus has always squicked me a bit.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Sorry to squick you out. :)
Grin... I wonder who is the Slytherin here...
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
ROFL that's a good question!
Ah! Luna got her wish and they both got good coffee.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
What more could they ask for?
HA! Wonderful - of course Luna has her own unique wayst to get what she wants, and Severus gets a nice surprise in the bargain - lovely, enjoyable work!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Thank you so much!
Dirigible plums the key to perfect coffee? Only Luna would consider that option.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
I know, right?
I bet Luna was fully capable to tricking him into kissing her. But it was a devious scheme that not only got him a snog, but his ideal coffee, too. Lovely, Mystery Author.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Thanks! She's a clever one for all her battiness.
LOL. A positive side effect. :)
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Most definitely!
And the award for honorary Slytherin goes to ...Thanks for a fantastically fun story!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Thanks! Yes, she's definitely sly in this one.
Sneaky Luna! I approve. I want some dirigible plum coffee now, too!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
I'll have her send some to you.
I think that with an inducement like that, I could enjoy coffee, too. Sweet!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
ROFL, it's not my cuppa tea either, but she's definitely found a way to make it enjoyable.
It takes one clever, sneaky witch to out-Slytherin the Head of Slytherin. Nice!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Thank you!
Sneaky little thing, isn't she? Loved it.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
ty ty!!
LOL! Only Luna could out-Slytherin the Slytherin. Marvelous!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Yes, she's just batty enough to do it.
I always knew Luna is sharper than she seems, niicely done.
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
I agree with you on that. Thanks!
My hat off for Luna, she out-smarted the King of Slytherin, not only that but they both came out winners. Absolutely brilliant!!!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
Both winners indeed! Thanks.
I love a sneaky Luna!
Response from debjunk (Author of Lovegood's Secret)
ROFL. obviously I do too!