New Chapter for For Richer or For Poorer
For Richer or For Poorer
phoenix2 Reviews | 2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Tonks loves Remus, but he won?t let her in. He wants to protect her from all that he is. All she wants is a chance. Follow on to "It's Really Better This Way" and set during "Order of the Phoenix".
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About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for For Richer or For Poorer
Beautiful... simply beautiful, a lovely reminder of the vows in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer'--thank you for filling in the gaps that we're given from canon--lovely, heart-warming tale! And yes, thank you Molly for your helpful meddling!;-)xxx
Response from phoenix (Author of For Richer or For Poorer)
While I have not been a huge fan of most of the canon pairings, I figured that with a little fill in the blank, I could be convinced on this one. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Response from phoenix (Author of For Richer or For Poorer)
While I have not been a huge fan of most of the canon pairings, I figured that with a little fill in the blank, I could be convinced on this one. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Another touching story... Thanks!
Response from phoenix (Author of For Richer or For Poorer)
I found this a nice little bookend for my other RL/NT fic. It's not a pairing I really believe in, but after writing the two about them, I can almost buy it now. :D