New Chapter for Not a Present
Not a Present
kellychambliss7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
During his first year of teaching at Hogwarts, Severus Snape receives a Christmas gift. And he's not sure he's happy about it. Severus/Minerva friendship.
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About kellychambliss
Member Since 2008 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 52 | 8 Reviews Written | 426 Review Responses
Teacher, editor, dyke, coffee and tea lover, amateur actor, leftist, book collector.
Fan of: McGonagall, Snape, Moody, Flitwick, Filch, all the older HP women.
4TPs: McGonagall/Hooch, McGonagall/Grubbly-Plank, McGonagall/Snape, McGonagall/Moody.
Reviews for Not a Present
But this other present was a surprise, and Snape liked surprises probably even less than he liked sweets. All he wanted from this miserable first year of teaching was to get through it with as little exposure to the derision of students and staff as he could manage. He didn't need anyone's misguided good cheer, and he certainly didn't need anyone's pity gifts.
Now that's a pity party if ever I heard one ... and we all know Snape is king of pity parties, so kudos for that.
And there was always the horrible possibility that this one might turn out to be from someone who was romantically interested in him. Much to his dismay, Charity Burbage had already been (to his mind) suspiciously friendly in the staffroom, and there was a young barman at the Three Broomsticks who sometimes actually seemed to be flirting with him.
God forbid that someone actually LIKE you Severus ... sheesh.
"It's your Christmas present, of course," she said. "Are you going to invite us in?" Grudgingly, Snape stood aside, and Pomona and her plant bustled past him into the sitting room. "This is flora felix," she said, depositing the pot near the fireplace; the plant's leaves immediately stretched themselves toward the warmth. "It gives off spores that have a calming effect. Now, it likes to be kept nice and cozy, but not too wet. And I . . . oh, my." She broke off as she caught sight of the purple present on Snape's table. "I see you've got one of the Minerva specials. Isn't that the most beautiful package you've ever seen? Every gift she wraps is just gorgeous. She's old-fashioned that way . . . well, in many ways, as I'm sure you've noticed. But she won't use spello-tape or parchment or anything new-fangled. Real fabric, real ribbon, real charms, that's how Minerva wraps a present. Watch." Pomona stepped over to the package and tugged hard on the white ribbon, which remained firmly tied. "See? It will only open for you." Two spots of red burned on Snape's sallow cheeks. "I wasn't aware," he said stiffly, "that the staff was expected to exchange gifts."
OH I love that ... I love Sprout, and the cozy plant is neat and the super-duper wrapping McGonagall style is awesomesauce!
But he was sure that if he'd mentioned his refusal to Pomona, she would only have badgered him to come. And then badgered him some more. She was not a Hufflepuff for nothing.
*smirk* Someone likes to play with words!
Damn her. Damn Gryffindors, damn every last one of them.
Yes that's right Severus, throw a hissy fit because someone was nice to you.
OH ho! He found his Christmas spirit! Its amazing what happens when we soften our hearts and allow good to fill it, eh? Glad Minerva smacked him in the head so he could at least let his guard down.
Good work!
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
Such a lovely review,
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
; I found it a real treat to read. Thank you so much for letting me know which lines you enjoyed. Glad you liked the story!~~Kelly
Wonderful. I think you pegged young Severus' paranoia perfectly. And all that doubt and lack of self worth. Minerva knew just the perfect thing to give him for a 'restful' Yule. I can certainly see this as the basis for their future house 'rivalry' caged in friendship.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
So glad you enjoyed this. I'm fascinated by stories of Snape's early teaching years -- how difficult they must have been. Thanks for commenting.
This is a lovely one-shot, and I really like the way you portrayed the young Potions Master. Nicely done!Beth
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
Thank you! I'm sure that Severus's early teaching days must have been difficult, and I wanted to have something good happen to him. I appreciate the comment. ~~Kelly
That was a lovely scenario. :)
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
It feels like Minerva is delicately teaching a wild creature to come to her hand.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
I think Severus would need exactly that treatment, poor man. Thanks for commenting!
Oh, how wonderful! I love the idea that such things existed, that someone would give one to Severus, and that he'd feel a sense of friendship do to it.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
Glad you enjoyed it. I like to think of Snape having at least a few moments of pleasure. Thanks!
As beautiful as the first time I had the pleasure of reading it. Much like this rare and enchanted book, something to be carefully considered. A perfect summation of both characters (and I love Sprout's cheerful presence as well - she's not about to be daunted by Severus' dour manner). One only hopes that during all the years he spent with these people, that he grew to understand and accept that in the ways that truly count, he did indeed have genuine friends.
Response from kellychambliss (Author of Not a Present)
I'm glad it's held up to subsequent readings! Severus deserves not to be miserable *all* the time. Thank you for commenting, my dear.