New Chapter for Promise
Maria Lynette5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Just when Hermione begins to forget her brief sensual encounter with Lucius in the lift, she finds herself alone with him in an empty corridor. Part II in the Lift series!
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About Maria Lynette
Maria Lynette
Member Since 2009 | 16 Stories | Favorited by 44 | 16 Reviews Written | 163 Review Responses
When I'm not toiling for coin or occupied with family and friends, I'm a reader, a writer, and an occasional beta. I left the fandom shortly after the fall of Granger Enchanted. I haven't written any fic since then, but I've recently been lurking around fic archives more often and reading my old favorites. I've also been writing and publishing original novels, poetry, and news articles while leading a semi-vagabond, fully-marvelous life. I'm still on Live Journal sometimes, Maria_lynette, the Wasted Wordsmith.
NOTE: My stories aren't loading on TPP since the site came back for some reason, but I've archived my best revised fics on AO3 as Wasted Wordsmith. Most of my other fics are still archived at and/or LJ if anyone's reading this and interested in reading or rereading them.
The Petulant Poetess Featured Stories:
July 2013: "Gathering Echoes" by Me 😃
February 2012: "Sleep Alone Tonight" by Me 🙂
July-August 2011: "Getting Through Tomorrow" by Me 🤪
Reviews for Promise
Goodness...I hope so too!Lovely.Thank you for sharing~
Response from Maria Lynette (Author of Promise)
Response from Maria Lynette (Author of Promise)
Hey! I know you from GE, lol. Thanks.
What a promise! I do hope he'll keep it. I know I'd love to read about it *wink*
Response from Maria Lynette (Author of Promise)
You'll get to read it soon. It's in the validation queue. ;)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Oh, I loved their first encounter. This one held an equal amount of promise. I hope there will be a third. I'll even close the doors for them. This is not a pair I usually like, but you are making it hard to stick to my guns.
Response from Maria Lynette (Author of Promise)
The third part is in the queue. It's got an adult rating. The first two are only a bit suggestive, but the last part is naughty. I hope that's okay, lol. Not your usual pair? Well, hopefully I can get you hooked on Lumione. Thanks for reading.
Perhaps he would have gained more brownie points by helping her with her load, but then he wouldn't have had the opportunity to perve! :)
Response from Maria Lynette (Author of Promise)
Hehe, exactly. ;)
There has to be more to this series of encounters. I so want to see Lucius carry through with his promise.