New Chapter for I am walking
I am walking
Memory4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A missing moment in the relationship between Dumbledore and Snape.
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About Memory
Member Since 2007 | 10 Stories | Favorited by 24 | 54 Reviews Written | 343 Review Responses
Italian, born in 1960, married, two kids.
Thanks to all those who will read my stories.
Reviews for I am walking
Dumbledore the puppetmaster is something I would have never expected in the books, prior to DH, and I'm still at pains in understanding why Rowling had to change him from a mentor figure to a ruthless manipulator, even more cruel - in a self-righteous way - than Voldemort. This is a charming piece of introspection, and my loathing for Dumbledore's methods cannot but been increased. Furthermore, Dumbledore is actually responsible for the report of the Prophecy to Voldemort - he could have stopped Snape or Obliviate him, instead he chose to let Snape go in order to create a future enemy for Voldemort. Complimenti da un'altra italiana! :)
Response from Memory (Author of I am walking)
Ciao! What a pleasure to discover another Italian here. Siamo così poche sui siti stranieri ;)Thank you very much for leaving me a message and for choosing my story as a favorite. I share your same considerations about Albus, but, I said at the end, I still like him. He is basically human in his quest for a power that is going to lead him only to a desolate solitude and end. The chapter in DH in which he confess his faults to Harry always fills me with a great compassion. Such a great mind, yet such an incapacity to love.Your final consideration is very interesting too. Do you really think Dumbledore wanted to create a future enemy for Voldemort or was he just using Snape to force Voldemort to make a move and reveal his intentions?Grazie ancora. Speriamo di risentirci. Augurissimi per la tua produzione creativa. Un salutone!
Response from cabepfir (Reviewer)
Well, in 1980 Voldemort's intentions were clear enough, I believe - so yes, the theory I cling to is that Dumbledore actually used the Prophecy as a tool to create an enemy able to defeat Voldy in the next future. He wanted Voldemort to believe in the threat represented by the person the Prophecy referred to and he expected Voldemort to act in a way that would reveal who was this person. Which also means that I find Dumbledore to be responsible for the Potters' demise as well.
Quite a masterful interpretation. I disagree with the thought that everyone uses that kind of persuation; perhaps of different types or variances or with different levels of awareness. But with regards to Dumbeldore specifically, I think you've done an exceptional job in expressing his motivations, his methods ... his entire outlook, really. You delved into his psychology with skill and it proves extremely feasible. Likewise, even though we - the reader - aren't granted a direct link to Severus' voice, his own psychology shines through, even through Dumbledore's interpretation; I think you've done a great job in the way you've set-up both of their characters. If you plan on writing any more (I missed whether this was complete or unfinished), I look forward to it!
Response from Memory (Author of I am walking)
Hello, thank you for leaving me a message and sorry for the delayed answer.I'm glad you appreciated my work about "dissecting" Dumbledore. You see, for me it's easy, because I have been working with somebody very similar to him for years. So, perhaps, I too have been permeated by these methods. Also, I am a mother and, as the immortal Irma Bombeck used to say, nobody can be as manipulative as a mum ;)But I didn't say that everyone uses that kind of sweet persuasion. I said that many of us, and I included myself in the count, are very skilled in manipulating feelings. Dumbledore is not alone in this.Finally, thank you for requesting info about my writing. No, this story is completed, but if you like the way I write, check my other stories: perhaps there is something that may suit you.Thanks again and best regards from Italy
Response from Amathya (Reviewer)
Sorry, I sort of read the generalized idea of "many" as relating to the multitude, hence my use of "everyone," but that's my mistake. Thanks for your response, I'll definitely look at your other stories :)
Well written but chilling. I suspect that in this sort of task, Voldemort and the Great Manipulator were more alike than either would care to admit.
Response from Memory (Author of I am walking)
Thank you for leaving me a message.
I think that Dumbledore was much more cunning than Voldemort , much more secretive and subtle. Poor Voldemort behaved like a bull in a china shop with his followers. Dumbledore instead had that suave aura of wisdom surrounding him and concealing his real intentions.
But what I find most chilling - and not only about Dumbledore, but about many other people surrounding us in real life, is their absolute convinction that they are acting for the greater good.
Thanks again, and forgive my poor English. I'm Italian ;)
"He had taken a servant when he could have earned a friend." Brilliant line !!!
Response from Memory (Author of I am walking)
Thank you very much. I'm glad you appreciated my little story. All the best from Italy.