New Chapter for Crookshank's Legacy
Crookshank's Legacy
magalena14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Years have passed since the end of the war. Two lonely people meet, brought together by circumstance—or was it fate—or through the interference of a meddling familiar?
Original prompt used: California, a bungalow and a fat, grey tabby cat
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About magalena
Member Since 2007 | 18 Stories | Favorited by 123 | 166 Reviews Written | 544 Review Responses
I am a Harry Potter fanfic fanatic, I only discovered it after the release of DH. Disapointed that the series was ending, I read some blurb about fan fiction (which I had never heard of before) clicked a link and 'voila' I was hooked. I started out reading mostly Dramione, but evolved and although I still like DM/HG, my OTP is SS/HG. I also enjoy reading LM/HG and 3-somes with SS/HG/LM or DM/HG/BZ. As you can see I love seeing Hermione paired with those lovely Slytherin men.
After reading for nearly 2 years, I started writing a bit of my own, mostly shorter drabbles or ficlets. I've written seveal stories for fests, such as the SS/HG exchange, the LM/HG exchange, and the LuciusBigBang, fest among others.
I am magalena at here and at AFF, and; magdalena at GE, OWL and IATQO; and madeleone at live journal, AO3, Ashwinder and the Maple Bookshelf.Reviews for Crookshank's Legacy
Oh, this was beautiful! I can see why this is one of your favorite of your own fics. Losing a beloved pet / familiar is such a difficult thing. I'm glad Hermione had someone who was there for her. :'}
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Thanks V, I really loved this fic. Crooksie's actions in this story were based on our own aged orange tiger cat, he really did have kitty demntia. We lost him this past winter, he's gone the great litter box in the sky. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Thanks V, I really loved this fic. Crooksie's actions in this story were based on our own aged orange tiger cat, he really did have kitty demntia. We lost him this past winter, he's gone the great litter box in the sky. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Anyone that has loved an animal,will respond to this story. I lost my Jess and thought, I didn't want another,but a couple of months later, my little Tuppence came into my life. She fit into my life so well, that I just know that Jess led her to me. Thank you for your moving story.
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Awww, thanks. So glad you found Tuppence. We lost Simba, our kitty who I based my Crooksie on this past winter, but we still have other dos and cats to keep us company.So glad you liked the story!
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Awww, thanks. So glad you found Tuppence. We lost Simba, our kitty who I based my Crooksie on this past winter, but we still have other dos and cats to keep us company.So glad you liked the story!
What a sweet sad story(as she wipes the tears from her eyes). I loved your take on Severus, I think had he lived and been able to let go of the past he would have loved someone deeply and unashamedly( I like to think so anyway!!)
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Awww... thanks sweetie, *hands you a tissue* I like to think that too! ;) very sweet. Very well written.
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
*hands you a tissue* Thanks so very much, I appreciate your comments. :)
Oh man, that choked me up a little bit!!! Sheesh I am such a sap...These were lovely words and a sweet story. Thanks for sharing!
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Awww... don't feel bad, you're not a sap at all. Glad you liked the story!
that was lovely. i especially liked crookshanks the ghost
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Thanks so much. :)
This was so sweet! I loved it, every word. I imagined Hermione keeping a little ginger kitten even before it was mentioned. But what if they all turn out ginger?
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Gosh, I guess she'd have to keep them all! LOL!
Good old Crooks - not as feline demented as he appeared, then?
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Apparently not. :D Heehee!
You put a warning for character death, but I think you forgot to include the tissue warning. This was sad and sweet all at the same time. It is really hard to say whether Severus is OOC. He is certainly a softer version of himself than what we see in canon, but who's to say this isn't what he would have become if given the chance. I can actually see them thinking that they will keep just one kitten who looks like Crooks, but then Hermione breaking down again, unable to part with any of them, and Severus willing to give her anything she desires agrees to house them all. A happy ending for sure!
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Thanks for such a lovely review. Perhaps I should post a tissue warning too. And I personally think that once the pressures of the war were over, and he no longer has to kow-tow to both Dumbly and Voldy, that Severus might be a very different person from the bitter, angry man we know from canon. In the past I have had comments that my snape was too 'nice', and too 'mushy'. But I like him as I write him. And I don't picture him as a total push over, just a bit wiser and a bit more mellow. :)I love your scenario for Minnie's kittens. A happy ending indeed!
Ater watching the antics of our 10 week old kitten climbing all over my desk and bookshelves last night I can just imagine the havoc one of Crooks' offspring would wreak!
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Oh, my, kittens are so much fun! Hermione now can look forward to the patter of little kitty feet in her future. :)
Oh, that was so beautiful. I don't think Severus was OOC--People do act differently when someone they love is in distress or hurting--his calling her 'sweetheart' seemed natural in that situation. Good ending with Crooks giving his final nod of approval! I really enjoyed this little story.
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Thank you very much, I'm so glad you enjoyed. :)
This beautiful little story made me cry. I have a ginger menace of my own, but I also had a beautiful grey tabby tom, Maxwell, who passed away this past July.I loved that Crooks is still there looking out for Hermione even though he's gone to kitty heaven. Well done, my dear.
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
So sorry to hear about Maxwell, you have my sympathy. Our ginger menace was actually my youngest daughter's. She got Simba when she was only seven, she'll be 22 this year, so that makes him nearly 15. I don't know how much longer we'll have him, but he really was my inspiration for Crooksie in this story.
Response from MuseAmusant (Reviewer)
Simba? That's my ginger menace's name too. I inherited him from my mom. He's a long-haired fluffball, rather like Crooks, but without the squashy face. He has what rather looks like a lion's mane, which is how he got his name. :)
Such a sweet and sad story. It made me cry...*dabs eyes with a tissue* Im adding this to my favorites
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Awww... *hands you a fresh tissue* Sorry to make you cry but happy you liked the fic. :)
I'll admit, I got a bit teary at the end! I lost my ginger puss last year to liver problems, and yes, he was a bit of a menace! Great story, loved it!
Response from magalena (Author of Crookshank's Legacy)
Aww...sorry to hear about your kitty, we also lost our Simba a couple years ago. He is who I really modeled this Crooksie after--he really did just fall off the arm of my chair one night and I thought maybe he'd just fallen over dead. (but he hadn't). Thanks for reading and glad you liked the story