New Chapter for Based on a Lie
Based on a Lie
Pennfana5 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
"I was just thinking about how our entire relationship is based on a lie." (Possible, but not definite, AU.)
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About Pennfana
Member Since 2005 | 38 Stories | Favorited by 15 | 134 Reviews Written | 358 Review Responses
I always feel extremely strange when I'm writing these things, having never really been all that good at talking about myself. In any case, here are the basics: I'm a 41-year-old Canadian who started reading the Harry Potter books about twenty years (!) ago just to see what all the fuss was about. I wrote my first fanfic about a year later, and I've been semi-active in the fandom ever since. I am very musical; I play the bagpipes, I've played the violin since I was about nine years old and I sing with two choirs (a community choir I've been singing with since 1997 and a church choir I've been singing with since late 2008). Writing is also one of my many obsessions, and (much to my relief) the monstrous case of writer's block which grabbed me for a couple of years seems to be gradually letting go. Even so, should I submit any chaptered fics here, it's reasonable to assume that the updates will be pretty far apart even if they're actually finished before I start posting. It's not intentional; I'm just, at times, a little forgetful.
Reviews for Based on a Lie
I enjoyed this story very much.
oh yes, I did enjoy reading this.I can't remember many stories. where Ron is treated as a real partner.Here he got his rights.They did have a real conversation.Not something he gets sorted very often in fanfiction life.Well, I do like the stories where he looks like the complete stupid never growing up teenager.But this here is a wonderful different option.I like it very much.Thanks for sharing.
Response from Pennfana (Author of Based on a Lie)
Thank you for reviewing.
I like the train of thought, how you have it all being brought down to a specific time, pinpointing the 'beginning' of the relationship. As well as leaving the 'boy' unnamed. Nice touch. Your English instructor is very correct in that the reader's perspective is just as important as the story itself. Nicely done.
Response from Pennfana (Author of Based on a Lie)
Thank you for reviewing. The responses I've gotten for this story since it was posted have been interesting—of the nine reviews I've got for it (six at another archive), there are five people who tried to figure out who Hermione's companion is. Four of them really hoped that it was Harry, and I wonder how much of that is a reflection of any unconscious bias I might have had while writing and how much is a reflection of the readers' own wishes.Sorry for the late reply, by the way; I haven't posted anything in awhile, so I haven't really been on the lookout for new reviews.
I am with you SW it seems more like a Harry conversation. Ron really isn't that insightful I don't think. This was a very swwet story and makes you appreciate the things you never thought you would
Response from Pennfana (Author of Based on a Lie)
I'm flattered. =) *blushes* Thanks for the review. I admit that I tend to like Hermione/Harry as a pairing more than I like Hermione/Ron, so that probably coloured the story a bit, even though I tried to keep it ambiguous. That said, though, I think that Ron as he's written in canon has the potential to become so much more than he actually is right now—but we'll see what happens. Thanks again! =)
Yes, it's quite mysterious, and I'm sticking to the hope that it's Harry and not Ron. HaHa! The er... makes me think of Harry since he's always saying that. Sorry if you are a RW/HG shipper. I just hate them together as more than friends. LOL
Response from Pennfana (Author of Based on a Lie)
Thanks for the review. I've never really devoted myself to one particular 'ship, though I must say I tend to lean more towards HG/HP than HG/RW. The fact that it seems like J.K. Rowling is going to write the latter into canon doesn't faze me one bit. After all, Book 7 isn't out yet, and even after that there's always AU. =)