New Chapter for Behind Every Good Man
Behind Every Good Man
juniperus19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )
There is a story of Severus Snape you know, Mr. Potter. There is also a story you don't… until now.
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About juniperus
Member Since 2007 | 47 Stories | Favorited by 78 | 17 Reviews Written | 520 Review Responses
Snape fancier, wanton researcher of the arcane and sublime, and snark mistress.
Blanket disclaimer: the Potterverse was created by J.K. Rowling -- I just like to play with her toys.
Reviews for Behind Every Good Man
I discovered this beautiful story in another authors favourites, I am so glad I did.
It was very different from other stories and I adored your Bats character a lot.
I use a screen reader due to my blindness but am aware you had some graphics in the story. So hope I did not miss out on some crucial information regarding this story.
I am happy with the thought that Severus and Bathsheba had a happy life in some exile where it was safe and happy for them both.
Big smiles and thanks for writing and sharing this lovely story with us.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you -- I'm glad you enjoyed it! Many of the graphics were letter snippets - I can forward them to you, if you need.Wildcard's response: I should very much like to read the graphic bits that wer contained in this story. But unsure how to obtain them. Will check your profile for an alternate email. Thanks so much.
It is very rare that a story gives me goose-bumps, but this one did. Thank you.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Wow -- thank you!
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Wow -- thank you!
Hi! I've recommended your story at the LJ community One_Bad_Man. I liked this a lot and I hope you don't mind.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Wow! Thank you so much!
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Wow! Thank you so much!
I'm only partway through your set of stories, but I think this one is a masterpiece. There is great storytelling here through your character, and I don't care if she is a bit Mary Sue or not, I am thrilled with the results. I enjoyed the combination of the letter, the text, and the artwork, too. It was daring and creative, but you managed a great success here. The double ending (both sets of characters) is highly satisfying. This is one of your stories that isn't begging for a sequel. It is perfect as it is, and you shouldn't touch a thing. Congratulations.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
I knew that, given the use of the cosplay manips my friends helped me stage, she would be marked a Sue... but she was conceived of quite a few years ago, now, during a speculative conversation before DH came out... her personality is only marginally like mine, even if we wear a similar dress size (lol).I'm pleased you enjoyed it so much, and your compliments have made me blush. Thank you.
The whole story fits so well with canon. Well done. :)
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you very much! :)
This was very enjoyable. I like reading stories that involve other characters and this is not one I've come across before. Wasnt expecting the ending but loved it. Thanks.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you!! :D
I loved the idea of Severus having a supporter throughout. It's such a shame they missed out on all those years where they didn't recognise each other's love. Fortunately the future looks good. Thanks for a great read.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
I couldn't imagine that anyone could be locked in a castle 10 months of the year for well over a decade and NOT have someone with which he had an accord, nor does it make sense for bullies like the Marauders to only pick on one kid, so I combined the two. :)Thank you!
I know I've read this before somewhere, maybe here at TPP or maybe at Occlumency. What I know for sure is that I enjoyed it as much this time as I did the first time I read it, and maybe even more.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
It was a SB3 piece :)Thank you!!
Wonderful story, Juni. I think I've seen it somewhere before, but it is one of the ones that can read again and again and never grow old.Beth
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Although it milled around in my head for a good 6 months previous (and the illustration photos taken months in advance, too), I finally got it written in time for the Severus Big Bang Bash. :)Thank you VERY much!
Beautiful.... - Thank you for a wonderful story.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you very much!
This is such a beautiful story about the persistence of love. I'm glad you posted it here.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
:) Thank you very much!
this made me love someone for so long...brilliantly written, thank you for sharing
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you so very much!!
I'd read this elsewhere some time ago and greatly enjoyed it. Lovely to see it posted here.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you--very happy you enjoyed it! :)
I enjoyed this story immensely - it showed a different Severus and a different storyline in my opinion. It's going to be a favorite story and you a favorite author. Thank you for posting it.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you SO much! :)
Lovely story. I especially enjoyed the ending when Harry realised the truth of what happened and that Shacklebolt knew. 5 out of 5. ^_^
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Thank you very much!
Yay, so Snape lives, is finally loved, and finally free of both of his masters. I loved this story, because it all felt so real, the characters and interactions felt real, i mean from real people, not as if you were writing borrowed characters.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
Quite a compliment -- thank you so much!
what a superb story! tho i'm a loyal hg/ss 'shipper i was so touched and heartened by your character. thanks you so much
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
I'm so glad you enjoyed her and the story--thank you!
I just noticed you changed the art! =) faving this here.
Response from juniperus (Author of Behind Every Good Man)
I like the slightly more abstract photos... I think they convey both snapshot and memory moreso than the other version. :)