New Chapter for The Cost of Conscience
The Cost of Conscience
Keppiehed6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for The Cost of Conscience
touching scene.a murderer weeping for his victima friend crying for his friend.And his only few moments to be himself, to let feelings out. any person would burst without this chance every now and then.I'm glad you gave him this chance.thank you for sharing.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
I'm so glad you liked this! Poor Snape, my heart really goes out to him. I don't know how he withstood being in such an untenuable position for so long! He is such a fascinating character. Thanks so much for reading, and for your thoughtful comments!
If I could I would go and hug him. I feel so sad to see him sad.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
*laughs* It's Ron, so it's okay. I have no love lost for that kid. Hey, I gave him a happy ending, so he's fine! I spared him what I could have done and let him be the hero and end up with the girl. Don't worry, he got away from me ... this time! *grins* And thanks, as always, for reading!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Err... Are you sure we're talking about the same story. First I don't want to hug Ron ever (EWWW) and I was talking about Severus as there is no Ron in there (or I really didn't understand anything)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
*headdesk* Um.... *gets on failboat* Yes, Keppie can read. I promise you. It has been one of those days, I swear. You must think I have the I.Q. of an earthworm. I was confused, like "why in God's name would she want to hug Ron? Well, to each her own..." HAHAHA. Uh, would help to READ the actual title of the story you're reviewing. So sorry. *clears throat* Forgetting everything I just said in the last review:I want to hug him, too, poor guy! *pets him*Sorry about that! *kicks self*(and a word to the wise: skip the one called "He's a Good Lad"; it's total tripe)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Too late! I already readt it. But I don't need Sev and Herm anymore to go to sleep. And i don't thing you've got the, how do you say, I.Q. of an earthworm. I've been feeling a bit sick today and have said a lot of weird things today so I'm off to bed now. Thanks for the laugh (even if it wasn't intended).
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
Aw, sorry you're sick. I'm sure my story didn't help that queasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. :P But really, get some rest, and I hope you're feeling better soon!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Don't worry I just need sleep and rest and I'll be as good as new tomorrow. Thanks for your concern.
Very good, Keppie! It was a sad and painful moment detailed to perfection.
Author's Response: Perfection is an awfully high bar! Once again, you honor me with your compliments. I am not sure I am deserving, but I thank you nonetheless. I always appreciate that you take the time to read! (and I hope you get over to Purest of Prose before the deadline so that I may return the favor!)
*Walks into office and intercepts Severus befoe he walks out*"You don't know me, Severus. Can I call you Severus?""Apparently.""Because I really like you, I feel the need to tell you something.""What a-""Wait, hear me out. I'm so pleased that I was able to witness this intimate moment. It is so sad that you have to do the things that you do, and I don't hold any of it against you. In fact, I'm glad that you can take comfort in the things that belonged to your friend. Remember, this was his idea. You were doing a favor for a friend. If you need to cry about it, don't be ashamed, alright? Now on to the real business at hand. Have you heard of Keppiehed? Are you famaliar with the things that she does to innocent people?""No, but I'm sure you won't let me leave without enlightening me. I can't wait!""Hey Mr. Sarcasm, I'm doing this for your own good, you know. Listen, you need to be aware of everything around you and be on guard at all times. Don't go near the giant squid. Or the Houseelves. Or Buckbeak.""I'm quaking in my boots. I'm no match for those scary creatures.""Ok, I didn't want to have to spell it out for you, but they will all try to have sex with you. Yes, you heard me right, S-E-X. And it is possible that you could end up pregnant. Before you interrupt, I know it sounds absurd, but you haven't met Keppiehed. She's dangerous! Oh, one more thing, don't go near Lucius Malfoy. For the same reason.""I'll keep that in mind""Are you blushing? Ooooooh, I get it. You'd like that. Well, he won't treat you well, but you're a big boy and you're already down in the dumps so I'll let that one go. Just be careful, ok. Kep recently called you her whipping boy, and I don't think she meant it in a fun way. Good luck!"*Exits office, feeling a bit sad about the scene that just occurred before entering the office. Feels glad he will now be safe no matter what is thrown his way*Nice story, my friend. No time for a proper e-mail so this is the best I can do. Maybe tomorrow...
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
I was laughing so hard that Sander had to come over to see what the fuss was about. And then he was horrified, because he thinks that people have the (in his mind, completely embarrassing and wrong) idea that I am some kind of "perv", which made it even all the more delightful. So, you earn MAJOR kudos for making me laugh, you're just too cute for words! And with mad writing skillz like that, don't you think you ought to have a story published somewhere? *raises eyebrow*Thanks for always reading: the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in-between. And of course for your reviews, the likes of which I live for. <3And no e-mail? *pouts* That means I have to work on the very last chapter of PIE! Well, I understand. I miss you, and I will hope we get to chat soon! *hugs and loves*
Poor, poor Severus
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
I know! He's getting tortured this round, but it just doesn't fit to write him happy, you know? It's his lot to be long-suffereing, the poor fellow! *pets him*Thanks for reading!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Oh, tell me about "it just doesn't fit to write him happy"! Every time I do, then I have to make something horrible happen to him afterwards. We're such meanies :P
Really liked that one. Keep it up, Kep! :)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
Why, thank you! I'm biting my nails; we're starting to narrow the field! I shall try not to choke and veer off into strange pairings and bestiality, as it seems I am wont to do when the heat of competition gets to me! WAAHH!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
*attaches restraints* There, now you SHALL behave. You shall NOT pair Severus Snape with the Giant Squid, Dumbledore, or Pomona's favourite Venomous Tentacula, and don't even go anywhere near carrots and Ron Weasley - I've been there and done that already! Got it?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Cost of Conscience)
*nods* Yes, ma'am. Is it a bad thing to like the restraints?Carrots and Ron? Now THAT I have to read!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
*shakes head* The restraints are NOT fur-lined leather. Well, not this week, anyway... Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans is the story. Love to know what you think.