New Chapter for What Should Have Been
What Should Have Been
Ravenscara8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Ravenscara
7 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 193 Reviews Written | 4 Review Responses
I'm currently a writter of DM/HG and SS/HG. I'm 20 with a little sister that agrees with me that Draco Malfoy is hot. My mom is an avid Severus fan and can be found as Sevibaby here. I have been writing DM/HG stories for the past 3 years and a oneshot for HG/DM/BZ with BZ as a different character then portrayed in the newest movie.
Recently, I have found out that I will be having a baby girl who will be called Bella-Rose.
Reviews for What Should Have Been
What could have been indeed. Nicely done.
Is there still hope for Draco?
Oh, well done, an excellent take on the prompt!
Ah, the possibilities. :)
That's a good take on the prompt. I can see him re-thinking things.
Interesting. One way or another, and whether or not he likes it, he's fated to do pretty much what he did in canon. He really is in a hopeless situation.
This was good.
If he had done things differently, well the possibilities are endless. He could still change his mind by accepting Dumbledore's offer on the Astronomy tower...