New Chapter for Father's Day
Father's Day
Pyttan10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Pyttan
18 Stories | Favorited by 39 | 59 Reviews Written | 809 Review Responses
I like to read, and I have this compulsion to write.
And the lovely banner above was made by Talesofsnape, a friend of mine.
Reviews for Father's Day
Ooh-Scary Severus. Totally in character.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Yes, he is. He is such a complicated character: capable of such loyalty, yet with that scary violent elitistic streak.
Love your capturing the turning point in time of a Severus empowered and standing up to his wretched s**t of a biological father; in complete agreement with this depiction of the family dynamics that has occurred throughout Severus and Eileen's life. The build, atmosphere and tone is very striking. Very nice contrast with the beginning of the story lulling us in, and the ending, leaving us with the very likely possibility of Severus using his wand!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Thank you so much for the review. This story means a lot to me since it was the first piece I'd written that I liked enough to dare to publish.
Response from nagandsev (Reviewer)
Looking forward to more of your work/writing! Please post more - you're a very diverse writer (enjoying your story 'Second Chance' very much, as well), with a wonderful feel and depiction for all of our beloved characters!
Wow, such a powerful story, very poignant! It's so full of emotions both expressed and repressed. I like the open ending, it suits the story and all it's possibilities.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. I felt very much the same about the ending; somehow I felt that the more explicit endings I wrote somehow detracted from the story rather than adding to it. That was why I made this choice. I'm so glad you liked it.
What a powerful portrayal of rage! Well done.I saw in an earlier review response you said that there were several other endings, two of which might possibly be posted. I would love to read them if you ever decide to post them.Thanks for this story. I like to see Severus take up for his mum.Beth
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it. I'm concidering my options ...
I felt the rage in that one!Very evocative.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
I'm glad you did, that was what I hoped for when I wrote this. Thank you so much for telling me.
I agree with June, can Severus save his mother and what did Severus to his father, had he an illegal wand?
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
No. No illegal wand. He is smart enough to cover anything he might choose to do. As far as his mother goes: it's for me to know and you to guess ;). Thanks for reading.
Well done! I could see the pent-up rage in Severus' eyes as he finally releases at Tobias. Any chance Severus can save his mother, take her to St Mungo's? Thanks for writing!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Thank tou so much. This story actually has four endings including this one. It was grueling chosing ... Thank you so much for reviewing.
Response from June W (Reviewer)
FOUR endings? Hmm.... will you show us the others?
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Maybe; if I can make them stand alone. One is out of the question though since it is ... well ... just plain awful.
What a nasty piece of work Tobias is. Powerfully portrayed.
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Yes isn't he. I always imagined him as a very cold man that had a great deal to do with the way Severus turned out. Thank you so much for review.
WOW, powerful and wonderful..WELL DONE!!! I LOVE IT!
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Thank you so much for reading it and respoding. I'm so glad you liked this little dark story.
oh my goodness. Happy day, indeed. wow. nice and depressing just before Well written. Enjoyed it.--his
Response from Pyttan (Author of Father's Day)
Well, it isn't the... mst optimistic of stories I suppose Thank you for reading and reviewing. And I'm glad you enjoyed it even if it's on the dark side.