New Chapter for Despair
Keppiehed11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for Despair
Poor Draco, what chance did he have? if he had refused the dark mark, I'm sure his dear aunt Bella would have made him suffer to his last breath.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
True enough. This one was tough because of the word restriction. Sometimes those drabbles don't give you much wiggle room!
How sad! If only his father were proud of him for things that were good choices, or even things that he actually wanted to be doing, his life would be so different.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
I actually liked this one, which is unusual for my drabbles, (I was on a Draco roll that month!) but it didn't win the competition. The image was really awesome. Thanks for clicking on it; it was hardly worth it, it was so short!
Clearly understandable why he is so desperate. Sometimes I wish he'd had enough willpower to say no to his father.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
I just love our Draco. I can't stay away from the poor guy. Thanks for reading this little snippet about him!
I never liked Draco much. But when he took the Mark, he was still a child, and I felt really sorry for him. You captured his despair beautifully.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
Thank you! I thought he was a character who had the potential for a lot of complexity, if we were able to see it. I'm glad that this little snippet seemed to ring true to his nature, and I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading!
Ah, how sad. :( I think you've captured the regret superbly. Excellent job. ^_^
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
Well, thank you so much! *is charmed* I appreciate your review!
Oh, poor Draco! I really feel for him, here.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
Thank you! I kind of hate to redeem him into a hero, but I like to give insight into some of the pressures he must feel. Thanks for reading it!
Poor Draco. If he had only thought to question instead of blindly accepting the truths he was spoon-fed from birth. But this Draco, while achingly sad, is far preferable in his complexity to the cardboard villain he was for the greater part of the HP series. And yet he's still alive, so there is still hope... even if he can't seem to see that just yet. Brilliantly done, Keppiehed.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
wow ... *preens* I'm humbled by your compliments, I really am. I have always thought that Draco, as a character, got the short end of the stick in canon, being laregly, as you put it "a cardboard cutout". I think he has the potential for great complexity without redeeming him past being in character, so I am glad to see that you felt I captured a part of that. Thank so much for your review!
Draco was always doomed to those inevitable, inexorable steps towards the dark side.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
It's his slow slide that I feel compelled to explore. Poor guy! (plus, he's hot! That always helps foster sympathy, I find)
Tainted grey with regret. It's as if he has lost all innocence, and all hope. Another fine piece.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
*glows with praise* Thank you much! You are giving me an enormous ego-boost! <3
Poor Draco. Following in daddy's footsteps isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially for one's soul. Maybe he should keep to sunlight rather than shadows. Great drabble, keppiehed.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Despair)
Thank you! I can't resist writing about Draco. I enjoy how complex we can make him in fandom; that little bit that is only hinted at in canon makes for such fun to explore. Thanks for always checking out my stuff!
Wow. Nice. You could really get a sense of that loneliness.
Good work!
Author's Response: Another losing drabble, though. I need to stick to longer work, definitely! *laughs*