New Chapter for I Love you in my Fantasies
I Love you in my Fantasies
Ravenscara7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About Ravenscara
7 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 193 Reviews Written | 4 Review Responses
I'm currently a writter of DM/HG and SS/HG. I'm 20 with a little sister that agrees with me that Draco Malfoy is hot. My mom is an avid Severus fan and can be found as Sevibaby here. I have been writing DM/HG stories for the past 3 years and a oneshot for HG/DM/BZ with BZ as a different character then portrayed in the newest movie.
Recently, I have found out that I will be having a baby girl who will be called Bella-Rose.
Reviews for I Love you in my Fantasies
He's always thinking poorly of himself. I hope he'll change his mind one day.
Oh, my.
Very nicely done.
Good work! :)
Nicely done! I like how you show Hermione in a very different light!
This was really good babe. Great job. I could really envision this.
Well done! Poor Hermione.