New Chapter for The Trouble With Spying
The Trouble With Spying
Keppiehed11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Harry and Hermione get a nasty surprise! If only they had powers of Divination, it all could have been avoided.
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for The Trouble With Spying
Why did I read this again? Because it is so well written. But, oh, the images burned onto my brain now are most disturbing.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Then I consider my work here is done! *laughs* Anytime I unsettle someone, I consider I've hit my mark. And thank you so much for the compliment, my dear! *hugs*
I just read this again and had a good laugh at the reviews. Even though I seem to get the blame for EVERYTHING! I suppose I'd better go and write some more before Phyllidia finds me lurking in this text box and smacks me! :D
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
*laughs* I think the blame landed exactly where it is most deserved! But fun was had by all, wasn't it? I had forgotten about this, and remembering it made me smile. If only I could egg you on to write something similarly outrageous! You need someone to keep you on your toes!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Darling, I've done Ron and Sybill, house elf sex, SS/HG/goat, SS/HG/RW, Nagini lusting after Sev, Ginny and constipated Snape, Nev/Sev, Petunia and Voldie, Greg and Herms, and the Sorting Hat perving after 7th year Puffs...Proof that anyone can egg me on to... well... anything! :PAlthough I haven't done pervy plants or squiddies like someone I know.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Then I think it's high time you add to your repertoire, don't you? *dimples* Come on, you know you want some squid action.
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
I'll do squiddy if you do Ron and an intimate encounter with Aragog's daughter...
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
OH GOD!!! *thinks about it*
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
OK, mine's done, just have to find a beta. Your turn. :P
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Are you for real? *sweats* Oh noes! I should have gambled for higher stakes! Squiddie is a piece of cake next to MY pairing! wahhhh...
I think I need a double shot of Firewhiskey, a strong Mind Scrubbing Potion and a thorough Obliviate. Not necessarily in that order. On another note, you may have just inspired a new prompt.Hehehehehe...
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
*laughs* Then my work here is done! *is delighted*What prompt?! (I'm insatiably curious)
Response from MuseAmusant (Reviewer)
It's in the forum for drabble night. I blamed you for it... along with a link that a crazy friend sent me. :D
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
I am always pleased to be the inspiration for trouble! Good work and carry on! :D
*snort*You got Hermione spot on. She was so irritating that I wanted to hit her upside the bushy-ness with a hard salami. And let me say what I found to be most disturbing was how aroused both Harry and Hermione got by the display. Just EWW.And yes, I believe it IS Sunny's fault. I think she put you up to this to deflect from the fact that it has been a WHOLE 19 days since a new chapter of Limited Exposure has come out! That's my conspiracy theory and I'm sticking to it.Thanks for the bedtime story and looking forward to more (if only to read the the truly amusing reviews).
Response from Phyllidia (Reviewer)
After writing this review, I realised that even tho' I got to the drabble via the front page of TPP, it is an older piece. I'm still sticking to my theory. It has just expanded to include time turners......
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Your review gave me such a giggle! Thank you so much. I had totally forgotten this piece. And it WAS Sunny's fault; that girl had egged me on to write it, but it was a lot of fun, and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it. I should ask myself why I delight in the squick so much! :D
I am wrong to think Hermione is heading to the dungeons?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
LOL! If I were Hermione, I would Obliviate myself. And redo my chart so I ended up with Snape. She's not the smartest witch for nothing, right?Thanks for reading it!
*belly laughs* Oh man, and here I thought we'd be getting Harry/Hermione voyeurism kink on top of it... though really, pairing Harry and Hermione is so passe. Maybe a Harry/Trelawny/Ron threesome? With some Mrs. Norris thrown in for kicks? Dear gods, Kep, you've really thrown down the gauntlet for weirdfic writers now.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
*dies laughing* I think I may have carved a niche here at TPP as the resident "weirdfic" writer. In fact, that should be my new title, it sort of fits. It's sad how these things come about. I didn't envision this moment in my career when I first started, a year ago. O.O How time flies when you are writing these kinds of specialized squicks, made to order!Anyway, at least you are still here with me, reading along, right? Everyone else read them in the other order and were pleased by how fresh and innocent the Dudley one was by comparison. Sorry to have left you with this one, but at least you won't soon forget it. That's about all I can say by way of excuse/apology. Um. Go blame Sunny33?
I read the reviews first. Those guys are such a bunch of wusses! *pokes tongue out at them all* After all, it could have been Ron and Severus. Oh, hang on, I've done that already. Or Ron and ole Dumbles... or the squid... or Hermione and Sibyll... Just saying - could be worse! :DGood work, oh great one!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Why, thank you. I didn't think it was all that bad either, to tell you the truth. I could have made it a LOT more graphic. (I went in a different direction, considering that you had cornered the market on tenderness)Ron and Dumbledore? *mind is blown*
Ok, first of all, I had to go read Harry's Fantasy Come True? and Sea Sick just so I could clear this monstrosity from my head. At the time, I thought I didn't like those pairings, but now, knowing how much worse it can be, they didn't seem so bad.Second, I feel like I shouldn't be too hard on you, because I know that you are trying to goad me into writing something, and I must congratulate you. If there were an appropriate tactic to get me on board, this would be it *ponders who your Ron/Trelawney equivalent would be*Third, I am fully aware of your intense attraction to Ron. You don't have to hide it by writing your fantasies, but putting Trelawney in your place so that people won't tease you. I've got your back, so go ahead and announce your love for him from the highest moountains.As your friend, I feel that I should say that this is well written because it is. And while I'm not your beta, I think I figured out what happened with this story. It was meant to be about other characters, but when you accidentally typed Ron and Trelawney, it didn't catch it because they are real characters. So if you just go do a quick edit, and add in... any other names, it will be perfect.I can't bring myself to give you any stars, but so that you know there are no hard feelings and I still adore you, have a row of question marks :)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Oh, God. You are precious. I haven't laughed that hard in ... ever. I don't think I ever have. You have to know that I was gleeful, don't you? And that yes, I was thinking of you the whole time. (btw, i saw sunny33's review, and SHE didn't get chewed out like this. just sayin'...)In my defense, I said to myself (cue internal monologue): "Self, let's be kind. Let's save us all from the poison brewing forth in here, shall we? It's been a tough few months, and we don't need to spew it forth 'cross the page. We are just going to let this one go, agreed?" And with that, I just saved you from the images, which were, let me tell you MUCH WORSE. Yes. There was more. And it would have been epic. But as your friend, and as a veritable angel, I took the high road. You can thank me later. And don't forget I take requests. Because you know you can't admit that you liked this. *winks* OOH! I just had a thought... okay, this one is going in an e-mail. It's too much for the world to witness... *censors*
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Looking forward to your email.Thanks for being less graphic than you wanted to.And so you don't feel singled out, DAMN YOU SUNNY FOR BEING SUCH A BAD INFLUENCE ON MY FRIEND!!Ok, everyone is even. We can move on and all be friends again. Whew!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
Just because you can't have the last word here: maybe you could just think of YOURSELF as Trelawney? That wouldn't be so bad? Muahahahaha
But, the question remains, did Ron get a better grade for his extracurricular work?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
ROFL! Between you, me, and the wall, I don't think Ron deserved much over an A, for Acceptable! Although he should certainly earn an Outstanding for effort applied!Still that's probably better than in any of his other classes, so I suppose your answer is yes. *winks* (oooh. Way to burn those Weasleys)
Response from quaffswinegaily (Reviewer)
On the subject of Weasley burning - do you think they will burn faster & hotter because they have red hair? Worth a scientific trial?
Can she obliavite me too. I think I will need some Scrub Brain Potion that Sunny33 lent to me a few days ago. And a strong dreamless potions too.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of The Trouble With Spying)
ROFL! Now that is what I call a success, no? A squicky story that gets into your dreams is certainly worth something!This is all sunny33's fault. I blame her. Send all mail/complaint her way. *smiles*
That most decidedly made my skin crawl.
Holy AARP! That took a strong stomach!
I loved Harry's reaction, and this line: "He didn't know whether to hate Ron for that or thank him for the vivid images burned into his brain."
Hate him! Hate him! LOL!
Very good Keppie!
Author's Response: *smiles and bows*
I shall not let a challenge go unanswered. Even if I squick us all in the process.
My job here is done.