New Chapter for When Good Men Do Nothing
When Good Men Do Nothing
Keppiehed7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
A study in human nature.
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for When Good Men Do Nothing
Quite excellent story, keppiehed. I was in turn repelled and heartbroken by the protagonist's actions and lack thereof. "And who would stand for me in this crowd?" Who hasn't been in that situation, knowing the right thing to do, but unable to act upon it for fear of condemnation? The desire for acceptance is especially strong in teens and adolescents. Bravo!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Thank you for chancing my original fiction! This was a story I was especially proud of, as I felt like it did capture that universal spirit of peer pressure at its worst. Man, there isn't enough money in the world to make me go back to my school days, I'll tell you what!I thank you for your lovely review, and most of all for trying something new and different!
Well portrayed, Kep. The first person perspective really takes the readers into the Sarah's head. She's in a lose-lose situation, and poor Billy is even worse off. It's very sad, but a true reflection of the things that happen. :)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Thanks for reading this one, Sunny! I really was proud of this one, even though I normally don't like to write in first person. This story just seemed perfect for it. I really appreciate your taking a chance on my original work, that means a lot to me!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
I'll read anything written well. It doesn't have to be fanfic. :D
I don't know if I should feel a bit disgusted or forgiving about her behaviour. The choice was far from easy. Good job.
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I'm sorry. There was a mishap and I couldn't rate the story. Of course it's five shining stars.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Oooh, I'm just glad you still like the story! I am really worried that you are somehow going to start hating it along the way. And thank you for your generous rating, even if it didn't register. I appreciate it!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
Does that mean there will be more?
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Arrgh! *facepalm* I'm so sorry. I had, like, 10 reviews in a row to a different story and I wasn't reading the title to this one. DUH! Okay, clear that whole thing out. New response:I am thrilled that you took the time to seek out my original fiction. Not many people do, and it means a lot to me that you took the time. Although I enjoy writing fanfiction, I feel like I put a lot more heart into my original work. I know it isn't as compelling to read, so the fact that you took the time to search for it it an enormous compliment, and I thank you most sincerely. (you'd think I would get the right review *headdesk*)This is why I shouldn't do a THING before coffee!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I must admit I read it because you're in my fav authors' list and I receive a notification. Experience has proved to me that if I like an author's fanfiction work I'm likely to enjoy her original one.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Well, even if you didn't do a specific search, you still didn't hit the "back" button when you saw that it wasn't HP. And from my experience, people like to read their HP on this site, and they aren't here for the o-fic. Which is perfectly understandable, it just makes it so much nicer when someone does take the time to read it and leave a nice review. So I thank you!
Sad, that is. It feels like middle school, maybe high school, and everyone's worst nightmare. You've captured the inevitable feeling of social fate in a very neat bubble that makes me infinitely glad to not be 13.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Oh, thanks! I am sorry that this got misfiled into the fanfic section instead of the original fiction, but I'm glad you chanced to read it anyway.To hear that I have portrayed it realistically is the best compliment I coud receive. And I'm with you: I wouldn't go back to my school days for all the tea in China.Thanks for the review!
Oh that is so sad. I fortunately can't relate as I haven't really ever been on either side of the bully-vicitim relationship... until now. Damn you! I truly thought she was not going to throw it. But then what? She is a hero and they skip off into the sunshine together? They drop him, and then beat the crap out of her? Neither of those really work. Sadly, I think it ended the way it so often does. The worst part is that her decision had a huge impact on Billy, but it probably didn't change her fate much. She will get picked on when they tire of Billy almost certainly.I think first person is hard to write, and it is hard to read too if it is not well written. Lucky you, it works really well here!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
I feel bad that this story got misfiled. It was supposed to go under "original fiction", and all of my o-fics keep ending up in with the general fanfic, so I feel bad about misleading people! (and after that whole thing we talked about people reading o-fic...) But given all of that, I'm glad you read this anyway, even if it was by hook and by crook. The prompt was "temptation", and I thought this was a good, realistic way to showcase that. Although, I suppose I have a handful of HP stories that would ...*ahem* ... fit the bill!I like to write the poignant little angles that doen't always end up perfectly, but somehow ring true. If the reader has a sense that this would REALLY happen, or if they connect as if it DID hapen, even if it isn't very happy, then I feel like I did my job, and that's all I can ask. I think I did that in this story, so I was pretty content, even if it didn't win. Anyay, thanks, as always, for your very thorough review! (you should be sleeping!)
I can really understand the pressure she's under to conform with the crowd. You can only hope she gets a chance to make it up to Billy, who she does seem to be friends with, at a later date. This piece works well with first person perspective. It makes it seem much more personal. You can't distance yourself from the anxiety.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of When Good Men Do Nothing)
Thanks so much for reading this! I apologize that it got filed in the wrong place; it was supposed to be under original, so I hope it wasn't a nasty surprise.Thanks for the feedback regarding perspective! I generally dislike frist person, but this one seemed to call for it, and I am glad that you thought so, as well. My original fiction work isn't as much fun as fanfic, but it is more satsifying, so I thank you for giving it a try!
This was one of your best pieces, and when I first read it, it stayed with me like a bad, sad song, slowly playing over and over again in my mind.
It was a well-written page from the life of Billy and Sarah. Sarah the coward, and Billy, the soon to be mass-murderer or serial killer.
Oh well, that's Life ...
Author's Response: I still have to disagree with your predictions about Billy! But I'm glad you liked it. It didn't win me the competition, as you know, so I don't know how great it was in the end. But I hold your opinion in great regard, and that means more to me than the votes over at the Flame, so thanks for taking the time to comment.