New Chapter for Paving a Life
Paving a Life
sunny336 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Dennis was not an easy man to live with. One day his temper got the better of him.
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About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for Paving a Life
That was an interesting plot. My husband keeps wanting me to write stories that include cigarette smuggling. I refuse.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
Only do it if the smugglers get caught and punished severely. Muhahaha! :)
Make the man shaped puddle a garden feature
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
But... but... it's on the driveway! :P
Punny title. Funny ending.Michelle sure liked to unload on a stranger. Good thing he found her attractive.One question: Nick Carter?
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
Nick Carter is a name I made up. Is he someone famous? Thanks for your review. :)
Response from mreid (Reviewer)
Depends on your definition of famous. Thank you for posting your original work.
This story makes me happy, with the new beginnings and all. And the twist at the end kind of wipes off any of the bitter feelings we might have- death being unpleasant and all.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
Thanks, livi! )
That's a lovely story. I'm glad Michelle finally found happiness.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
. It's nice to get reviews in this section. :)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I usually don't read not HP related work. But as it's you and you're one of favourite authors ever I thought I'd give it a try. And I'm very glad I did it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Paving a Life)
Aww. You're so sweet. xx
turn it into a novel.
Author's Response: That's a novel thought.