New Chapter for Blendwerk
Lady of Clunn11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )
Hermione finds herself in a world she does not remember.
Start ReadingChapters (3)
About Lady of Clunn
Lady of Clunn
Member Since 2007 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 11 | 5 Reviews Written | 74 Review Responses
I am of German origin but tend to move around a lot in the world.
Currently I am living in Asia.
HP fanfiction is my favourite place to escape it all and I like tea with juice.
That's pretty much all you need to know :)
Reviews for Blendwerk
This deserves a follow up, to find out where Blaize's allegiances truly lie.
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you!I am thinking of a sequel... *shifty eyes*I need to fulfil some other writing commitments first, but I will definitely not forget about this one!
Oh my what an evil plot that was indeed. The lengths they went to to convince her of their story! And the ending still leaves me wondering. Like someone else said, did Blaise help her because he cared? or to leave the path open for a future attempt?Very good story!
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!I think Blaise did care, he might even have joined the Death Eaters only for Draco's sake.I am thinking of a sequel, alas, it might take some time because there are a few other stories I have to finish first.I am glad you liked it :)
Something is terribly wrong. He didn't know about her parents being in Australia. The way the house is decorated like they think a Gryffindor would choose, but not in the colors she really likes. He is supposed to be her husband and yet he doesn't know what pleases her and he touches her in ways that revolt her. This is not right...I repeat something is terribly wrong.
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Evidence is mounting...You are spot on! Thank you for the lovely review!Now I am curious: did I scare you off with chapter three? It did have some stuff that some people might be squicked by...
Very interesting start. I was a bit susupiciuos to begin with, then I read your AN and think that there is much more going on that what meets the eye.
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!You are absolutely right to be suspicious!
Arrrggghhhhhhh. I'm still not sure Blaise's actions at the end meant he'd had a change of heart and decided to help Hermione get away, or if it was one more ploy, a fail-safe, to gain access to her memories.You are the master of misdirection, and this was a wonderful study in psychological torture. It kind of reminded me of the movie "Closet Land."Take a bow.Beth
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Ahh!I actually saw Blaise as someone, who joined the Death Eaters for his friend's sake or maybe his mother's.Now I am not so sure anymore. A sequel is shaping up...And I so have no time at the moment. Gah.I loved 'Closet land' but I was actually thinking about a 1950s film about the Nazis trying to get information about D-Day.
OMG! Something is definitely wrong. Very Wrong. Everything about "their" home, everything about the way Blaise treats her, makes love to her, will not look her in the eye, is just screaming "Lies, All Lies!"This overheard conversation gave me the creeps:“But I am supposed to… You know the situation, Draco!” Blaise rubbed his face with both hands, obviously distraught. “It has been taken care of!” Blaise's eyes were sharp looking at his friend. “Nobody knows that better than I, I will never forget that examination! It does not change the facts, though.” I have no idea how this will end, but I'm afraid it won't be happy. Now I have to go read the final chapter. *shivers*Beth
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
It was supposed to be creepy, so i am glad that I succeeded in bringing that across.There are indeed evil forces at work...Thank you for the lovely review!
This is such a disturbing chapter. It would be horrible to wake up in a strange time and a strange place with no memory of how you got there. I don't know if she is really the victim of an accident or the victim of some subterfuge by Death Eaters to gain access to her memories and to Harry and Ron.Either way it is a most chilling concept. Well done!Beth
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!It is a very disturbing situation for Hermione, she does not know what to believe...
Wow Hermione been through hell and back. Makes me wonder why they wanted to do all of that to her...Guess I will have to use my imagination to figure that out. Great Story
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!I once read that information given willingly is much more detailed and complete than anything that could be taken by torture...I am thinking about writing a second part, but that migt take a while.
I'm glad she still has her analytical mind and I do hope she soon start realising something fishy is going on. There are just too many little things that are not right...but I don't have enough information yet to guess what is actually happening.. you are wicked. Hope you'll update soon.
Response from orlando switch (Reviewer)
.. O and Blendwerk does mean a sort of enchantment, isn't it?
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!Things are not entirely right. Indeed.I added translations of teh story title and the chapter titles to the chapters. I meant to do that right away but somehow forgot.Blendwerk ia a rather old German word for illusion, false front or intrigue.Geblendet means blinded or dazzled and 'Betört' stands for bewitched or infatuated.I'll put the next chapter in the queue :)
Interesting start. You have the gift to put a lot of information in only a few words. One thing that intriqued me is why there are no other friends of Hermione visiting her. Harry can't be the only Gryffindor still alive after the final battle, is he?
Response from Lady of Clunn (Author of Blendwerk)
Thank you for your lovely review!Hermione seems quite isolated, doesn't she?Something is going on...
Thank you! I haven't read or re-read any of your stories for a while, but this one reminds me that I have experienced each of them as jewels. And what a jewel this one is! No extra words, and each word giving me the shade of meaning I needed to grasp what I needed to understand. I love the way this story turns and that there is still love amongst the evil.