New Chapter for Back Then
Back Then
sunny3323 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About sunny33
Member Since 2008 | 129 Stories | Favorited by 689 | 8,383 Reviews Written | 8,235 Review Responses
Hello all, I am a 53 year old from NZ. Although SSHG is how I started and still my main pairing, I'll give pretty much any pairing a try, whether it be reading or writing. Sev and Herms need a bit of variety at times. ;)
Reviews for Back Then
This story's lovely although definitely bittersweet. There's something very touching about the fact that Severus still has a softer, sentimental side underneath all the sourness -- but it's rather sad that apparently, his little collection of soft toys is still one of the only sources of comfort he has.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
You've pinpointed exactly what I was trying to show. His cows are the only comfort he has. :)
Oh, that's so sweet, and sad, and... sweet! I love the little songs. I wonder if any of them are like the song he sang over Draco after that Sectumsempera.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
I imagine that would have been a healing spell. I think his cow songs are simple, little boy made-up tunes. :)
Response from Rose of the West (Reviewer)
I know what you're saying, but I'm going to choose to think that the happy place he went to when he sang those songs was part of the source of the healing spell.I've thought about the cows and giggled ever since reading this. Again, I love it.
So sweet and heartbreaking all at once. I love it.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thank you. :)
Wow! That made me tear up a little. Really touching and insightful.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thank you. :)
Hee! I guess we know where Severus got his taste for monochrome clothing from as well. Here via a rec from lady karelia, and glad I came.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
LOL. Never thought about the clothing side of things! Thanks for stopping by! :)
That was sweet and yet amazingly sad. Poignant.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thanks, blue. :)
This is strangely heartbreaking to me - especially if you consider, in those last years living in such horror and teetering ever closer to some awful death, how closely Severus may have strayed towards the edge of a certain degree of madness.... I know everyone sees a sweetness here (and I can certainly see that as well) but my warped little brain can also see another view.... Severus ever so slowly slipping away from all the pain of his adult life... towards the deeply buried child that had already died so long ago. Oops, sorry.... I guess I've created a bummer here (hangs head in shame and takes cow toys home....)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
I see that. It's very profound and very plausible. :)
*sniff* Poor guy. What a horrid childhood. At least he has his cow's lurve.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Cows are lovely animals. :)
Dear sunny33.My legion of black and white fluffy cows (about 10 in all, ranging in size from little cute "key-ring" cow to big soft "pillow" cow) salute your tale. Actually, I am not sure how exactly cows salute, but trust me, they're doing it. As am I, by the way, their proud owner. A very sweet, cute and well ... fluffy ... story. And no, I will not divulge the names of my cows. Were I to do it, you would probably think me a lunatic, I'm sure.MMMMUUUUUUUHHHHHH!! (no, that was NOT one of the names. Even I have more creativity than that.)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
My fifteen year old started collecting cows at age three. He has over a hundred in his herd, and still gets one every birthday and Xmas! His have names like Steak, Cheeseburger... :)
Oooooohhhhhh, it's absolutely precious! And Zen Baby very much enjoyed having it read to him! <3
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
I was going to ask you for a prompt for a Zen Baby story, but you disappeared. So I used Janus's cow prompt! :)
Oh Severus, singing to your cows is a bad idea. It only takes one mischievous house elf with a video camera to turn you into the most watched viral video on the web.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
I can see the youtube clip now! :)
Naw. I like cows. And I like Sevvie. But the thought of adult Snape singing to stuffed animals is just too much. In a good way. Man, this was so cute :)
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thanks! :)
I love reading stories about Severus' childhood, and this one is particularly interesting because it shows the good times before everything went pear shaped.Great job, sunny.Beth
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thanks, Beth. :)
LOL Oh Sevvie and his cows, Very cute and so precious. I really liked the house-elf impression at the end.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Those elves. They get everywhere! :)
Aaaw, bitty Sevvie's adorable! And as a (theoretical) grown-up who still has a special bear, I like the idea of big Severus with a herd of cows.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thanks. :)
That's so lovely despite, well you know. It's hard to picture him, all grown up singing to stuff cows. I'm sure someday, a woman (or man) will be delighted and filled with tender amusement at the sight.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
But hopefully by then he won't need the cows. :)
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I don't know. It's probably the only thing to remember him of the happy days of his childhood. Even if he's happy in relationship he might still need them from time to time. And one day he can pass them over to his child.
I feel something like reverence for Severus and Zen. What a perfect story!warm regards,Fizzabella
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thank you! :)
Oh, that was so warm and fuffy and sad at the same time.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Like the cows. :)
Oh Sevvie. Such sweet moosic you make.
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
He was cute back then. :)
lovely and precious...and i mean that in a good way! smoochies
Response from sunny33 (Author of Back Then)
Thanks! :)