New Chapter for Harry's Fantasy Come True?
Harry's Fantasy Come True?
Keppiehed10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Harry has a fantasy about an unsuitable subject that gets fulfilled by the most unlikely person.
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About Keppiehed
Member Since 2009 | 74 Stories | Favorited by 55 | 47 Reviews Written | 685 Review Responses
Reviews for Harry's Fantasy Come True?
Ok I was warned, did I listen? hell no! so now could you please pass the brain bleach.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Oh dear, this was a naughty one! *laughs ruefully* If you don't like this one you should really watch out for that one with the Hippogriff in the title.
Well, I've never read something like that that's for sure.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Is that a good thing? *laughs*
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
I'm still trying to decide. The elf thing is disturbing me a bit.
Oh gods if Draco only knew! And Dobby was lusting after Harry - not a surprise. Interesting.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
I think if Draco found out, I would have to write another evil!Draco. I don't think he'd take too kindly to the whole thing! LOL! Thanks, as always, for your review!
O ye Gods!
What horror!
What perversion!
Holy Cross-Contamination! I even feel dirty!!
*Goes off to shower... a few times!*
Author's Response: Uh-oh... was that a tiny flame from you? *laughs* I'm glad I got under your skin, at any rate! A point to me when I can get that reaction out of you. *grins*
My eyes! MY EYES!I was hoping that maybe Draco had polyjuiced into Dobby or something, but that faint hope was dashed, wasn't it. Like a traffic accident, you just can't look away! Well done, if horrifying! ;)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Your review made me laugh! I am glad that it gave you a strong feeling, even if it were a little bit squicky! Thanks for reading and giving such a vivid review!
Aaah! *headsplode* That was- I want to wash out my brain with bleach now. I'm all for a little slash, but species mixing? And Dobby? I guess the 'squick' warning should have made me think twice, but still... Ew!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
LOL! I know, that was pretty gross. I am sorry to have exploded your head, but now your horizons have been broadened! Think of all the fun things you can read without fear now! *laughs* Really, I am sorry you had to read something outside your comfort zone. I didn't label "bestiality", because I don't think that Dobby counted. Maybe I should have? Hmmm... *ponders dilemma*. Thank you for not flaming, and I think the rest of my stuff should be considerably tamer.
Response from liviconnor (Reviewer)
I'm not sure Dobby counts as bestiality. I would categorize him as a person, even if he is a different species. Would we call vampire sex bestiality? Probably not (though it might be fun to poke the Twilight people with that question...). I've read most if not all of your other stories, and I know to go in expecting something unusual. Crabbe and Goyle, what? If I'd really been traumatized I would have stopped reading- but I had to finish, just to see. And yes, now I can walk fearlessly into the treacherous waters of squickfic. Argus and the Squid, McGoogles and Harry, here I come!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Then I consider "mischief managed" in this case! LOL! I feel as though I have done you a considerable service, and you can read anything you come across without fear of squicks! Hooray! *laughs*
Oh, God, EW.
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Is that a... good squick?
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
...NOWell written, if mental scarring was your aim :P
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
OUCH... *winces*
Response from HermioneJeanSnape (Reviewer)
No, it was so, so hot until...OMG IT'S DOBBY OH MY EYES, MY EYES!xDActually, this would be a BRILLIANT April Fool's to pull on someone :D
Are there such a thing as Slytherin elves? :)
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
LOL! I never thought of that! Good call! Thanks for reading.
Ok, so now you antagonize me even while you are unaware. I don't have any problem reading slash, but there aren't a lot of pairs that I really care for in that genre. Draco and Harry are a couple that I actually think work together. Soooo, I'm thinking that even though you are defiling my precious Harry, it is with Draco, so I can go with it. And then a house elf creeps in! An effing house elf!! LOL... it's either laugh or cry :)But I just took a page out of Harry's book, and pretended that it was really Draco and then all was well. So on that note I can say that I enjoyed this. It was pretty steamy too... except for the pointy ears and bulging eyes... gah! I just can't forget ;)If the squid had kept his mouth shut about how good Harry is, instead of blabbing it all over Hogwarts, Dobby would probably have never pulled this stunt. You just can't trust magical creatures.Nice job. I'm looking forward to whatever is up your sleeve next!
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
OMG... that totally made me laugh! It just so happened that this story came up in the rotation right after the squiddy! I promise you I am not going off on some weird, bestiality kick!Now, admit it... you liked seeing Harry with Dobby. Not so bad, eh? I will bring you around yet! I shall be the victor in this battle, my dear! pretty soon you wil be begging me for pervy!Harry! I don't think any reviewer brings such a huge smile to my face! Thanks so much for sticking with me! *hugs*
Response from HBAR (Reviewer)
Boy, you must be Slytherin to the core. Because I am now officially on my knees, begging for Harry in fishnets. It is all for his sake, you know. I'd hate to see his bits getting zapped by a blast ended skrewt. Or worse, smuttin it up with Aragog, who then eats him afterwards. Don't tell me you didn't think on it! *seals envelope on love letter from Keppiehed to Ron and hands to owl* My work here has only begun *insert evil laugh*
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
This sounds like all out warfare! *thinks up a terrible fate for Harry*
Dobby? I always imaged elf sex would be more like with Legolas from LOTR. This made me think again
Response from Keppiehed (Author of Harry's Fantasy Come True?)
Haha! I am a HUGE LoTR fan... I think that is a completely different league altogether. Dobby is more like a creepy gnome. Ugh. Thanks for reading!