New Chapter for Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer
Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer
blue artemis15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About blue artemis
blue artemis
Member Since 2006 | 115 Stories | Favorited by 156 | 3,537 Reviews Written | 1,212 Review Responses
Reviews for Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer
Poor Severus - the hapless victimof a cat, toad and owl.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Yep! Thanks!
Oh gosh I TOTALLY LOVED THIS!!!! Crooksanks -
the Slayer!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Thank you, bea! I really like that vampire smiley.
Made me laugh - and I really needed a laugh today. Thanks!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
You are welcome! Thanks for the review!
That was very well done! Entertaining and funny! Excellent!
Author's Response: Thank you!
I LOVED this!!!I have pimped this to some of my BtVS friends. Hopefully word will spread. And so will the giggles.Actually I have enjoyed the whole 'Crooks is Dreaming' series and it delights me that you keep coming up with more.Thanks for sharing,Donna
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Wow, thanks! I'm glad you enjoy the series. There are definitely more in there. I kind of use Crooks as a way to get past writers block. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to pimp it.
Ha-ha-ha!rofl.And I'm glad this passed the queue despite the strict crossover rules Truly hilarious little one. The mere thought of those three familiars making their way through the woods alongside is causing fits of laughter.The end was even better!
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
I think all of these have made it through the queue because they aren't true crossovers. Crooks is dreaming himself in the situations. Tyra and Ms. J were the only "characters" that weren't from HP. Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
That was hilarious! Apparently a lack of opposable thumbs has no bearing on toothpick-bearing Kneazles! Too funny. :D
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Well, no, of course not! Kneazles have special powers, you know. Thanks for the review!
So funny. The image of a sleeping Crookshank attacking poor Sev with a toothpick ... :)
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Thank you!
So funny! Thank you.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
ROFL! And he tried with a thooth stick ! At least it's still wood.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Yes! Thank you for the review!
LOL thats hysterical Very funny LOL
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
I'm glad you liked it!
*Tries to catch her breath* That was fantastic and so funny!Crookshanks hunting Vampires thats a hoot! You have made my night Blue! thank you so much. Fives Stars plus more and I will throw in a
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
I even got a Golden Snitch? Whoo hoo! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Too Funny. I love the Pigs in Space reference.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
Poor Severus! Old Crooks' subconscious must have snagged on the memory of so many Hogwarts students whispering rumors about a certain Potions master and his nocturnal tendencies. :D
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
That's what I was thinking. Thanks for the review!
Your Crookshanks storys are a delight, I am looking forward to finding more.
Response from blue artemis (Author of Crookshanks the Vampire Slayer)
I really enjoyed writing them.