New Chapter for Severus and Delilah
Severus and Delilah
rosewood14 Reviews | 14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Severus Snape has been cleared by the Wizengamot. Unfortunately, there's the little matter of the mandatory tracking device.
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About rosewood
Member Since 2009 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 16 | 24 Reviews Written | 131 Review Responses
Just another wayward copywriter chewed up and spit out from the merciless world of advertising. Oh, and my writing for the most part centers around a fabulously snarky, drop-dead sexy dark wizard. He's my not-so-secret obsession.
Reviews for Severus and Delilah
That was fun!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
It's nice to see that so many enjoyed this little story. Thank you for the kind review!
Well if he really does Samba his ass off, those tight leather pants will still hold it in place quite nicely. He is such a sneaky little Slytherin. I really thought he was going to get up to no good, or at least spend his freedom on something academic, or otherwise, well, Snapeish. Never saw him attracted by the allure of Carnival. He better get moving.And by the way, Severus, if it seems too easy, it probably is. Did he research how well the tracking device holds up through the digestive tract of a cat? If you have such a pet, you know that is where it will end up. And even if it comes out still intact, Minerva will probably be too disgusted to dig through the litter box daily looking for it, and will end up throwing it out with the garbage, and the ministry will surely know something is up when he spends all of his days and nights at the dump.Ok, this review just kind of ran away from me. I could have just said "freaking hilarious, thanks for sharing." but that is so unlike me. I'm sure there is some rule against the review being longer than the actual story so I'll quit. I need to get my passport in order and get signed up for quick Samba lessons anyway. I don't want to head South unprepared ;)
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Truth be known, it was the imbibing of a rather pleasurable Riesling for the fact that our favorite dark wizard found himself in tight leather pants dancing his way to South America. I'm such a silly drunk. :)As for Delilah, it would do well to remember that Severus doesn't suffer fools or foolish felines lightly. Besides, she wouldn't dare cross the good professor lest she become potion ingredients. ;)Thanks for the great review!
if anyone could get arround it...he could! thanks and smoochies
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Personally, I subscribe to the belief that intelligence combined with Slytherin attributes equals an formidable force. Fits our anti-hero to a tee. :)Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for the review!
Very clever of Severus... and you for writing it!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Well, truth be told, Severus is a clever kind of man. :)Thanks for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed this little story.
OMG!I thougth the worst thing ever was Snape in a tutu. - But that's worse - and even more hilarious. Because he picked this particular style with his wits intact. (And because of men in tight leather pants... - guh!)roflMy, what a very unexpected ending - and what a way to deal with that prompt!Woah, hilarious. I'm still laughing like mad!And for whatever reason I feel the need to sing "Hey there Delilah" now... strange me - wonderful you.That's one great drabble you've created!(Lula rec'd you. I guess, you should expect more cheering - this little one deserves it :D)
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
I decided to have fun with the whole wizard-lack-of-fashion-sense and go for the gold. (Or, in this case, silver lame.) Again, many thanks for the great artwork. I'm honored that this little drabble inspired you enough to create SambaSnape. :)Thanks a million for the shining review!
That was so brilliantly evil. I thought he was ditching the device for some nefarious deed, but instead he's escaping for a bit of hedonism. Loved it.
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Severus is a bit of a hedonist, isn't he? Even dark wizards need a holiday now and again. :)I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and thanks for the review!
Pardon my language, but that was fucking hysterical.
Thank you for that. Your cleverness and sense of humor are most excellent.
Author's Response: Happy to oblige. Oh, and thanks for fic rec! That was a most pleasant surprise. *grins*
OMG ! Does somenone has a picture of Sev' dancing samba? The movement of his hips to the beat of the music. MMMMMMMM!!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Sev has a natural grace, dark flair and smooth moves. There is no doubt in my mind the man can samba. :)*stares off into space with a goofy grin*I'm glad you enjoyed the story, thanks for the kind words!
Why does everyone go to Rio? Amsterdam sounds fun!
Nice work!
Author's Response: Severus samba-ing his ass off in Amsterdam doesn't quite have the same effect as the complete decadence that is Rio during the height of Carnival.
Although, I can forsee our favorite Slytherin making a trip to Amsterdam quite easily. Hmmm....
Thank you for the review. :)
This is really cute! I adored his Slytherin guile. Sorry I never got back to you. By the time this made it to my inbox, blue had already finished it. :) Nicely done!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Bless our dark hero's little Slytherin heart, he has yet to fail to please his adoring fans.Thanks for the kind words!
tight black leather pants ... Steady now, Morgaine, steady! *fans herself*
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
There's just something about tight black leather pants and Severus that works so well together. Sort of like dark chocolate and strawberries. ;)
*snorts* I'll samba with you, Sev! :)
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
It seems that our favorite dark wizard will not suffer from a lack of *ahem* dance partners. Hee hee!Thanks for dropping a line.
Thank you for this delightful and amusing tidbit. Well and compactly written!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
This was actually a very fun little drabble to write.Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you enjoyed my story. :)
*Drools over the mental image of Severus samba-ing his ass off*Got to love those sexy, sneaky Slytherins. Loved it!
Response from rosewood (Author of Severus and Delilah)
Ironically, I was drooling a bit myself. :)Glad you enjoyed this little story and thanks for taking the time to leave a review.