New Chapter for Death Eater Heroes
Death Eater Heroes
MuseAmusant7 Reviews | 7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Severus and Lucius team up to save wizarding Britain...
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About MuseAmusant
Member Since 2009 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 21 | 817 Reviews Written | 188 Review Responses
Reviews for Death Eater Heroes
That was decidedly different!
Author's Response: Thanks!
It's curious to note that every person responding to this particular prompt chose a Weasley as the next potential would be bad guy. Not that I mind of course. They're all far from my favourite except Bill and Charlie perhaps.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
It is funny, isn't it? I think maybe we all sense that there is something vaguely evil about some of the Weasleys? Anyway, they're something of a convenient target. And Percy has always rather rubbed me the wrong way.They're not my favorites either, but I am somewhat partial the twins and Arthur.Anyway, thanks for reading and reviewing! :)
Wonderful story, Severus and Lucius sure saves the day:-))
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
Thanks! I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed. :)
Hehe, why did we all pick on Weasleys for this prompt? :)
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
Because there's something vaguely evil about the Weasleys? :D
Wonderful! Percy as the new Dark Lord is hysterical! Thanks for the happy you gave me.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
You're most welcome! :)
I love their punishment for him.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
They really put Perce in his place, didn't they? :D
First review?*snort* That's a perfect choice! I like Lucius and Severus's solution, too.
Response from MuseAmusant (Author of Death Eater Heroes)
Sneaky Slytherins, they knew just how to deal with that red-headed upstart! :DThanks!