New Chapter for A Very Good Partner
A Very Good Partner
pokeystar10 Reviews | 10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Learning to dance requires a very good partner.
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About pokeystar
Member Since 2007 | 43 Stories | Favorited by 57 | 87 Reviews Written | 370 Review Responses
I am a slytherin in hufflepuff clothing.
I read therefore I am.
I write therefore I amuse myself.
Reviews for A Very Good Partner
Very nice. From the sound of his complaints, Ron's sin is his own punishment. I like the calmness of the music room and the similarity of Lucius's complaints about his daughter-in-law to Ron's complaints about Hermione. It's the dancing and careful seduction that show how Lucius, who in some ways is very much like Ron, will succeed. Lucius has worked out how to keep peace with Astoria and he knows just how to develop a romance with Hermione.
I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
A mellowed Lucius, but not a completely changed one--there's still enough Slytherin ambition in there for Hermione's political status to be one of her sexiest features to him! I enjoyed this story very much, and laughed at the thought of vain Draco having to deal with a receding hairline as he got older. Since Lucius apparently still has his full head of hair, that must have come from Narcissa's side of the family...
This story was a complete pleasure to read. I very much enjoyed your take on an older, wiser Lucius Malfoy. Mature, but clearly still dead sexy.
Well done!
Loved it! perfect ending!
I don't know how many times I've read it, but I still love it. Your Lucius is just so. Very. Perfect. <3
this is really good. listening to the waltz at the same time made it all kind of dreamy. I love it.
Lovely. I read this before and liked it. I still do.
Excellent. This was engaging, funny and thoughtful. I enjoyed your Lucius very much. Cheers!
I'd save him a dance any day. ;)