New Chapter for Visions of Charm
Visions of Charm
luvsev6 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Trelawney has delusions of grandeur.
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About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for Visions of Charm
Okay, that was funny! Really funny! Especially since Sibyll Trelawney couldn't pour piss out of a boot...
Wonderful sparring! Snape and Hermione are great!
Nice work!
Author's Response: LOL. Sibyll couldn't pour piss out of a boot. That reminds me of what my mom says. I'm so glad I could make you laugh.
Leave it to Severus to instigate Hermione and Minerva not to laugh at what he is saying.
Response from luvsev (Author of Visions of Charm)
Yep. Minerva had to work really hard not to laugh and to try to hear what Trelawney had to say.
That's so sad! Sybille is quitting Hogwarts. I'm devastated *smirk* The poor Sev' and 'Mione will be desperate and now they only have alcohol and sex to try to survive her departure. The damage this woman can do to wizarding heroes is amazing. *smirk, smirk*
Response from luvsev (Author of Visions of Charm)
Tee hee. Oh, yeah! Her leaving them is just the saddest thing, and no one knows what they'll do without her.
Maybe she'll name something after Snape. That was delightful.
Response from luvsev (Author of Visions of Charm)
You never know, she might.