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Close Call
luvsev13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Ron sends a text message when drunk.
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About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for Close Call
I'm so glad I was done dating before drunken texting became a thing. LOL!
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
*cackles* lucky you never went through that mortification (read as: been there, done that). It's thoroughly embarrassing when no longer drunk and realise what was said/done.
That was too funny. Hee. Great response to the prompt.
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
I'm so pleased you think so, blue! Thanks!
Very cute, luv! I adore an enraged Severus staking his claim.
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
Thanks, Deb!
*gigglesnort* These drunken texting stories have me absolutely rolling!
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
Glad you got a giggle and a good time out of it!
Talk about playing with fire!
Good job!
Author's Response: Thanks! Yep, Ron almost got it.
He is lucky to get away with just a threat.
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
Yes, he was.
Snape has a mobile phone number and I'm only finding out about this now?! What is it! QUICK! I might be able to slip him a love potion before the wedding!:D
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
*cackles* If only we had his number, we'd be happy, squeeing fangirls.
LOL Very close call indeed for Ron. He is lucky Severus didn't open up an can of whoop arse on him. Five stars plus a for making my morning luvsev.
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
Aww, you flatter me! I'm happy a little drabble could make your morning. Ron is a very lucky man indeed. Severus would have made him hurt if he knew Hermione wouldn't find out. :)
Wonderfully written, I loved it!
Who doesn't text 'the one' when they're drunk? Now whats Snape's number? Do I still have time? Loved it.
Response from luvsev (Author of Close Call)
Glad you loved it! I think many of us have done that at least once. Wish we knew what his number was, but I can only imagine what he'd say.