New Chapter for Caught!
apisa_b8 Reviews | 8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
Inspired by the "After Hours Challenge" on the LiveJournal-community "30minutefics".
A couple is caught snogging in one of the greenhouses after hours.
Chapters (1)
About apisa_b
Member Since 2005 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 7 | 539 Reviews Written | 94 Review Responses
I'm a 40-something old, happily married mother of a teenager, whose passion is reading, reading and - oh did I already mention - reading.
I live in Austria, so my native language is German (or better: a slang thereof), but since I was forced to learn English in school I reluctantly discovered my love for it.
Here at the Petulant Poetess I can combine my passions: reading, English and the Potterverse.
So far I'm mostly reading; I'm feeling comfortable enough to write the occasional one-shot, but I don't think I have skill to pen down a longer story. But who knows ...
Reviews for Caught!
Interesting development there, coercing Longbottom with silence and housepoints. LOL.
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Housepoints are always means of coercion, ain't it?Thanks for reading.
Hey,This was a really great story. I love Albus/Minerva stories and this one was so sweet and made me smile. It's so funny to see Neville, the poor lad, stumbling around and running into the two people he never expected in the greenhouse. And Albus' diffusing the situation was priceless.Great job!Ang~ Hogwarts Duo
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Thank you for reading and reviewing. You made my day!
I just realized I never reviewed this (eep!), although it is an extremely cute story! I really enjoyed it back when I first read it, and on rereading, it's still really cute and quite amusing. Somehow the thought of poor Neville stumbling upon them just makes me giggle.
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Thank you so much for your nice review!
I really like this story; both sweet and funny all at once. The honking daffodil and Neville both made me laugh! And, AD/MM are nice, as always.
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Thank you so much.Your review was a nice surprise - I have almost forgotten that I posted this story here.
Some stories just make me want to go "Awww!" or perhaps even the dreaded "SQEEEE!" and this is one of them! Sweet!
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Thank you so much!
Oh how cute! But I do wonder...who was Neville out to meet?
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
This remains between Neville and Luna ... oops, I shouldn't have said that!Thanky you for reading.
Muahahaha! Busted. I must have read this when you first posted it because it came back to me. I love it. I could definitely see this happening. Poor Longbottom, aside from being afraid of the wands pointed in his direction, the thought of "them" might have shaken him, though I like them together. :) Good tale.
Response from apisa_b (Author of Caught!)
Thanks. Albus and Minerva a are my secret passion. I always thought they would be good together.
100 points to Griffindor, for grace under pressure.