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Happy Birthday from the Potions Master
morgaine_dulac23 Reviews | 23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )
PWP drabble. Snape, detention and a girl who has just come of age. Need I say more?
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About morgaine_dulac
Member Since 2008 | 52 Stories | Favorited by 122 | 948 Reviews Written | 2,443 Review Responses
Born: in the glorious year of 1979, when Dio joined Black Sabbath and Peter Pettigrew started passing on information to the Dark Lord
Colours: black, green, silver
Passions: writing, cooking, baking, witchcraft
Obsessions: quite a few, chocolate for one (hi Lupin!), but mainly a certain Potions master and a blond DE.
When I am not writing alone, I co-write with my favourite Ravenclaw star_girl. Look for sevs_starsisters to find our stories.
Published writer since 2014. Original fiction is good fun, but I find myself returning to fan fiction every now and then
Reviews for Happy Birthday from the Potions Master
Great job. I liked this.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Some birthday presents are just better than others!
How have I never read this!? It's a great birthday present for both you and her. What a promise he's made regarding graduation. Yowza!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
And how have I missed your review?? Glad you enjoyed this little piece of naughtiness.
Was this witch a certain Ms Dulac, by any chance? *nudge nudge*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
She would never...
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
*raises eyebrows* On a more serious note, this was *pause, looking for the appropriate word* interesting. Has she got the graduation present already? ;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Now, we wouldn't kiss and tell, would we?
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
OMG. You can be wicked sometimes, you know! ;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Normally it takes people months to figure that out. :p
Response from MayavanavihariniHarini (Reviewer)
I deserve a HUGE prize for figuring it out in precisely nine days. My Gryffindor recklessness and talkativeness may not be that bad, after all ;), even with respect to my beloved Potions Master. Going by the rules of Physics, likes repel, unlikes attract..
Now that would be a most treasured birthday present of all times.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
I agree, I truly do!
Response from JeneaCapp (Reviewer)
I belong to SS/OC group at facebook as well....I hope our little graduate gets her graduation gift as well.To live the dream .....
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
It's a lovely group. But far too addictive :PWill see what I can do for graduation.
Happy birthday to you. And also I'm not seventeen either, I wouldn't mind such a present for my next birthday. I might even be persuaded to go back to school, just to graduate again. *wink*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Hehe, I agree 100%. However, I suspect there is a loooooong line outside the Potions master's study.51 weeks left to my next b-day now. Should start thinking about a present ;)Thanks for the wishes!
well, it is time to write the story, where the girl of choice has her graduation.unfortunatley, I am no I right, you are a fan of evil cliffies.It must be to cool to be able to write oneself such wonderful birthday presents.have to start writing immediately.On my next 17th birthday(which returns for several centuries now) I want to be in that girls place, that is for sure.Wonderful short storie!again, Happy Birthday. what else is left to say for me.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
It's quite pathetic really, to sit there, 29 years, 364 days, 23 hours and 40 minutes old and decide: I'll wirte myself a smutty birthday present.But hey, the result turned out to be quite nice. And trust me, I have a graduation present for the dear one under construction.
Now that is what I call a birthday present! The mystery witch has certainly been given a delicious and memorable experience.And Happpy Birthday to you, Morgaine!Beth
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
I'd like a present like that as well, but without the wrapping ;)Cheers for the birthday wishes. /M
Happy Birthday and welcome to the adult wizarding world, mystery witch! What a perfect gift. I hope you plan a return visit to detention for graduation?Happy birthday to you, Morgaine. I hope you had a pleasant one, Ms. Dulac.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
My birthday was almost as nice as hers. Although, there was no dungeon, no detention, no Flobberworms, no dark Potions master, no ... :PCheers. /M
A very happy birthday to you, dear Morgaine!By the way, I liked the gift you gave yourself.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Thank you!!
And please let us know about graduation!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
I just might :)
Dear morgaine_dulac.Why does something like that never happen to me? Okay okay ... I'll stop whining now. I wish you a very happy birthday. Have a great day!!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Dear Contessa (can't help but say that with a nice rolling Italian R),Trust me, it never happens to me either. I start to think that I missed out in school. Shouldn't have been that good. Maybe, one of my teachers would have LOVED to give me detention ... heheThanks for the good wishes. /M
The best kind of birthdays are the ones that get shared - and that was one hell of a way to share! *sits at computer staring blankly at screen, whilst STILL drooling*Thank you SO much for that and A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my dear friend - enjoy your day (& don't forget to save a piece of cake for me!!) :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
, step away from the keyboard while drooling! :)I am very glad you liked this ego-tripped piece and thank you for the good wishes. Is chocolate cake alright?/M
*Sends along box of Honeydukes' finest*Now that was well worth a box of chocolates, in my book. Do we get to find out what Snape has in store for graduation?
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Once I'm through this box of chocolate, I might think about her graduation. *munches happily*Cheers. /M
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Cheers! /M
Hot, sweet and sexy!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Cheers! Glad you liked it!
Now WHAT a promise! ;o) Well done. And grattis på födelsedagen!
Author's Response: Hehe, glad you liked. I did, for sure. :) Och tack så mycket.
Can I have Snape for my birthday? Any birthday. This was interesting.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
I'll get him first! In 3 minutes ... LOL
Very nice way to celebrate a birthday. I hope your real brithday was as pleasant.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Don't know yet, I'll have to wait for another 13 minutes ... :)
<<He place small kissed on her neck>>This is why I didn't so much as finish the story.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Euch, bad me and my quick fingers and dirty mind. Going through the story once more! Like to give it a second chance?
Happy Birthday, Morgaine! :) Give me a prompt, I'll write you a drabble! ;)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Oh, yay!!Hm, prompt, let's think ... okay, I go for: Lucius/Severus and a chocolate cake. And please keep Granger out of it! :)Happy Birthday to me, it's after midnight!!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
OK, on it. You realise you will have to beta it? :P
<melting into a puddle> WOW how HOT!!! Happy Birthday to you!!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Are you solid again? :)Glad you liked it, and thanks for the wishes./M
Ahh, a lovely birthday present. Happy Birthday to you!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)
Happy Birthday to all of us!Thanks for the wishes. Glad you liked my pressie. /M
I just can't help it, the first line of a song keeps going through my mind, " When I was seventeen, it was a very good year".
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of Happy Birthday from the Potions Master)