New Chapter for Kite
chivalric15 Reviews | 15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Chapters (1)
About chivalric
Member Since 2007 | 65 Stories | Favorited by 776 | 213 Reviews Written | 4,182 Review Responses
Located in Germany. Female, around 40. The first chapters of my published novels/novellas can be found here on the archive.
Other than writing, I am reading, cycling, running, and singing in a choir.
In case I don't react to mails for a considerable lenght of time (I usually get back to people within the week), please contact shellsnapeluver or Dreamy_Dragon. They both know how to get through to me.Or simply mail me at
Reviews for Kite
OMG,this story just ripped my heart outhard to type while crying....Poor little boy. T
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I think it was the last fanfic I wrote; everything posted after that has been written earlier. I had my own son in mind when I wrote that, and what I do not want to happen to him... Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I think it was the last fanfic I wrote; everything posted after that has been written earlier. I had my own son in mind when I wrote that, and what I do not want to happen to him... Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
*sniffles* Every time I read this I go all teary-eyed and want to go and huggle the little boy and make the world a better place for him. Brilliantly done, dear!
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Thanks, hon! Without you, I wouldn't have been able to post it, nor most of my other stories. *hugs you*
Oh, this was so touching. But I really should stop reading such sad fics - they make me so depressed. Now everytime I see a kite, I will think of this dramatic little piece. Great story! Poor Sev.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I thought up the story whilst I was flying a kite with my son ;-) Thanks for reviewing, and if you are looking for sth funnier which could be seen as a sequel to this one, try "Arguments" or "Summoning". Thanks for reviewing!
My heart aches for this little boy. Noone should live such a miserable childhood.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Agreed. I think canon doesn't give us much info about his childhood, but I can only assume it wasn't nice give how he lived his life. Thanks for reviewing!
Wow, what a strong and bitter story. I was absolutely in tears about it. First this joy, so rare and dear, illuminating the bleak ordinariness of his usual life. You described the joy of letting a kite fly perfectly, too. And then the confrontation with the father and the subsequent results... the worst part was the final paragraph. Snape's life in a nutshell, so to say... great work, absolutely great work!
Author's Response: Hi, Du! Schön, von Dir zu hören! And thanks for the praise, of course ;-)
A few days ago, I flew a kie with my son and the idea poppe into my mind. His kite carries a "Bob the builder" face, but other than that, the scene is pretty much stolen from Real Life. +lol+ I swear, I wasn't nasty to my boy when we came home.
Hope you are well, dear. Willl write a mail soon.
Mmm, too bad he didn't. Poor man, destroyed before even coming of age.
As always, an amazing, vibrant tale, but so very sad.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
It's autumn, I have job worries, so what else to write but a sad story?;-)Will try and post sth either funny or sexy next time. Thanks for reviewing!
Poor Severus...
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Yes, indeed. As are all abused children. Thanks for reviewing!
And yet, if his soul was really rotten, he wouldn't have been there bleeding out the last of his memories for a Trio of children much too good and pure to waste time on someone who had saved their lives several times before. And if he'd repaired his kite, his father would only have wrecked it, and him, again. Or gone back to Hogwarts to be almost eaten by a werewolf. It was only by a miracle of loving a girl who couldn't be bothered to spit on him that he didn't become a much more intelligent and effective Dark Lord. Still, very well written.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I didn't say he had a rotten soul - I said he thought he had a rotten soul. I guess most readers of HP understood lately in the last book that Snape's a hero. Still, I believe he had a very low self-esteem and thought about himself badly. And the only reason for that would have been a nasty childhood. The kite is only a symbol for a lost youth and a wrong decision. Kite broken - childhood lost - dark side embraced. He could have decided otherwise despite his father ruining his kite. But for a while, he was the Dark Lord's servant, and he's regretting that in his last minute. Thanks for reviewing!
Wow, that was intense.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I take this as a compliment ;-)Thanks for reviewing, dear!
sad and touching. poor little one. thanks
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Autumn brings out my melancholic side ;-)Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Oh, that was so beautiful, so tragic and so dark. I hate it when he dies.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
I just checked: I killed him only three times, and one of those times after a long and happy life. the other time at least after lots of hot sex and with him having fallen in love. this is the only one that is sort of canon compliant, as it suggests his life was just as described in the books.and I hate it, too, when he dies. If you want to know a few ways how he survived, I rec "Arguments" or "Summoning" ;-)Thanks for reviewing!
Response from kittyperry (Reviewer)
Hello and thank you for the recommendations. I shall now scurry off to read them :)
Wow, what a horribly sad story. It's a shame that their are so many children in the real world that don't have a childhood. Poor Severus, just to act like the child that he was, he had to hide it.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Far too many abused children, I do agree. But sometimes, I have a thing for sad...Thanks so much for reviewing!
it's nice to think of him having happy times as a boy flying his kite. but it's so sad, of course. and that final image is absolutely haunting.
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Actually, when I read how he dies I wasn't too shocked - I expected him to die. Afterwards, I decided I couldn't accept it and wrote dozens of stories where I saved him. Like so many others :-) But occasionally, I have a thing for dark and sad. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Oooooooooooo, I love it!! Bless his heart! Poor dear Severus..Well done, well done indeed...It's great!
Response from chivalric (Author of Kite)
Thank you so much! I had the idea for the story whilst flying a kite with my son... now isn't that sick, of sorts?
Response from Becky (Reviewer)
Oh no, not at all, I draw inspiration from everyday activities too, It really is a great story...