New Chapter for Dreamlover
BrenaMarie22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Hermione's visit to a fortune teller has interesting results.
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About BrenaMarie
Member Since 2006 | 21 Stories | Favorited by 48 | 536 Reviews Written | 360 Review Responses
Hello There! My name is Karen and I live right outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Way back in 2006 when we needed to put "Half-Blood Prince" spoilers on our fics... when DH didn't even exist... I created my profile here on The Petulant Poetess.
Falling in love with the SS/HG Ship changed my life and allowed me to be in a position to save the site from extinction in 2019. I'm so grateful to be here and to continue to see the wonderful fic here live on for as long as possible.
Reviews for Dreamlover
Doesn't one wish it would all be as simple as that? A locator spell, a dream and a soulmate at one's doorstep. It is a beautiful fantasy. Especially, as it carries over a certainty of the choice. They both know that they can work all out between them and I wish them the most beautiful of weddings.
Will it be their first night then? Will they just share dreams for several weeks? It would be romantic if they managed.
Well done! :) Oh to have spells like this. grin~
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Hey Southern! Thank you so much for the review! I'm sooooo glad you liked my little tale. And I agree, to have a spell like this in your arsenal... hmmmm, I wonder how many people would actually ever leave their house? Thanks Again!
So, the three meddlers didn't know that Severus was her soulmate, but still managed to kill two birds with one stone. Both of them were looking for love and acceptance and found each other. I love that they are still able to get to know each other in their dreams.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! Yes, it is really great that they still get to continue getting to know eachother both asleep and awake! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading!
Romantic and hot all at the same time! Nice use of the prompt.Thanks for sharing.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! Thank you so much for the review! I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was definitley an adventure writing this fic. It really pushed my boundaries as far as what I'm able to write. Thanks again! Much Love ~ Brena
Lovely one-shot! I enjoyed reading it very much.Thanks for writing and sharing your story with us.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! Thank you so much for reading & reviewing! I'm so very glad you enjoyed it!
Barring the fact that I abhor mariah carey This was very cute and original, without much of the overused cliches. Thanks for not getting raunchy with the 'explicit sex' rating. It's a fine short story and VERY interesting of you to have caused Minerva to become someone else once in a while. For the Transfiguration professor, she is seriously underplayed by most and it's quite obvious that she would be an incredibly powerful and formidable witch with many Albus-esque hidden talents. Someday you may think of expounding more on her character in a longer story, if you haven't already. Good luck in the challenge!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
, thank you so much for this wonderful review. I'm happy to see that you gave the fic a shot even though I quoted Ms. Carey to start. When I first read the "Dream Lover" prompt, I started singing the song. I'm not like a huge fan of hers or anything but, that's what happened. The general happy, fluffy feeling of the song guided the idea of the story and really kept me going. I actually hadn't thought about any kind of follow up or off shoot to this fic, but it's a wonderful idea. If down the road something should come out, I'll be sure to let you know.
I hope Severus won't be too hard with the certain portrait. After all he is the instigator of his present happiness. As for Minerva, I'm sure Godmother will ge a great thank you gift...*grin*
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
I don't think he will be *Too* hard on Albus. It is his fault that he's got himself an awesome woman now! I actually originally had the ending sequence being them asking her to be Godmother, but it fell kinda flat. But since you mentioned it I'll let you know, that's the plan! Thanks for reading!
very sweet and sexy!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! Thank's for reading and reviewing! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
Oh wow I WANT TO TRY THAT SPELL! Wowzers! I think I need a cold, nah, warm
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
I know! I'm so glad I thought of it! Now if there were only a way for me to make it available to Muggles... I'd be a very rich witch! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it honey! Thank you so much!
wouldn't it be nice if we could find our soul mates that easily! great story. thanks muchly
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
I wish that the outcome of this spell could touch everyone in some way. I think thats part of what drove me to this idea. I have so many single friends, and I hope that they find their Severus or Hermione someday soon. Thank you so much for the review! And I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :-)
In that particular case I think I'm quite glad that the tradition of meddling has not died out at Hogwarts :-)A nice and rather hot one-shot you have written, dear mystery author.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Meddling is a tradition at Hogwarts, isn't it? I'm so glad that it had a positive result for the parties involved!Thank you so much for the review
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, especially the hot bits! :-)
Nice story. It's good to know that fangirls aren't the only ones who think Severus and Hermione are the OTP.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Thank you so much for the review
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! It is so very awesome when there are others who will support our favorite couple! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
He he he, wedding invitations not Christmas Cards! This story has so much potential for continuation, but its nice as it is as a one-off. Well done!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! I'm so glad you got a kick out of the ending! I actually had a completely different ending when I first wrote this fic out, but decided it needed something less heavy so we have the "director's cut" Christmas Cards/Wedding Invitations insted! I guess there is a lot of room for growth here when you think about it. Maybe I'll come up with more later down the road. If I do I'll be sure to let you know. Thank you so much for the review, and I'm so very glad you enjoyed it!
Lovely!! :)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Thank you so much
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
This was bloody fantastic. Can I steal Severus to be my dream lover?
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
, thank you!!! I'm so glad you thought it was fantastic! You can steal Severus to be your dream lover, I'll never tell. :-)
*Sigh* So very lovely. I'm glad they got together. What a way to do it! But now each of them knows before-hand what to expect from each other. Total Hotness!
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Of course they got together! They totally belong together, and I'll make it happen as often as I can! I'm sure it must be so exciting knowing that they can't hide from each other or turn into shrinking violets when it comes to bedroom activites. Thank you so much for the review
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. ;-)
Imagine, Minerva moonlighting as a fortune- teller. Who'd have thought? Just as well, though! :)
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Hey Sunny! Thank you so much for the review. My brain does crazy things I guess. It seemed like a fun thing to do with our stern, Transfiguration Professor. She's got to let her hair down somehow right? :-)
so sometimes it isn't for the worst, if some friends help fate just a little.Like she sais: and isn't it just magic and really relaxing and encouraging to know, yes, there is a soulmate for me out there. and not only that. I don't have to do a thing. He comes and finds me.Magic.well, if only that were not pure fanfiction.*sigh*
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Hey slvamea. Thank you so much for the review. I completely agree with you, sometimes you can get by with a little help from your friends!I don't think the general idea you presented isn't truly fanfiction. But the speed and ease of it, definitely fiction. Real relationships, are not only hard to find but can be a pain to make work and hang onto. If you're still trying to find your other half, I wish you peace and lots of love. They're out there, never give up hope.
Response from salvamea (Reviewer)
Thank you soo much!all right, I will try it with peace and hope this time. must succeed someday.
Well something is definitely going on. I love the idea of Minerva assuming an alternate personna and helping Hermione and Severus to to realize their mutual attraction.The communication between them in their dreams is a very interesting and pleasureable way for them to work toward a future that will be both wonderful and joyful.I look forward to seeing where you go with the next chapter.Beth
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
Beth, This fic is actually complete in one chapter. I just made the change to mark it as completed. I'm very happy to see that you enjoyed how the dream connection worked. Thanks for the review.
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
Thank you for letting me know. I did enjoy it very much! I'm all for anythig that brings Severus and Hermione together!
Loved your story, sometimes meddeling is such a grand thing:-))
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
It is isn't it. Sometimes people need to have a good meddeler in their lives. :-) Thank you so much for the review and I'm so happy you enjoyed it.
That's quite a spell.
Response from BrenaMarie (Author of Dreamlover)
I thought so! :-) Thanks for the review.
Ahh, if only it were that easy.