New Chapter for Blasted Roses
Blasted Roses
luvsev13 Reviews | 13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Severus is blasting roses.
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About luvsev
Member Since 2008 | 71 Stories | Favorited by 76 | 664 Reviews Written | 948 Review Responses
I am a 20-something-year-old who admits to not knowing or having everything figured out, beta, foodie, bibliophile, and dabble in art. Most days I may be found in the kitchen indulging in the culinary arts.
I adore a multitude of pairings in the fandom, though I am partial to: SS/HG, DM/HP, NT/HG, PP/MB, SS/HG/LM, Snupin, and LL/HG.
Reviews for Blasted Roses
Hmmm I wonder, did she get the hint this time?
Hmmm I wonder, did she get the hint this time?
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
I think perhaps she did.
lovely! thanks muchly
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Thank you for such a nice review!
LOL. How cute, pouting Severus blasting roses. LOL.
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
He had to find some way of relieving his frustration at the blasted students.
Is it okay to give him lilies instead ? *wink*
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Hehe. I really don't think Sev would appreciate lilies from anyone, but that's just me.
Hee. I'm glad he has Hermione.
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Me too. Glad you enjoyed, and thanks for the lovely stars. :D
Cute response! More NEWT students trying to get into his pants, eh? *smirk*
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Thanks, SL. They just want to get their hands on him, and who could blame them, right? He's sexy as hell.
nice. sweet and funny, too. i liked the image of the red rose confetti. and now hermione has to find her gryffindor courage, doesn't she? :D
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Aww, thanks. I'm glad you liked the image of the rose confetti--I must admit, it is my favourite part. And yes, Hermione will have to decide to act if. I'm sure if she doesn't Severus will do it for her. :)
Tee hee, poor rose. I cannot imagine being blasted into confetti felt very good. But his tension is understandable. I love the ending, too. He hates roses, except those given by a certain know-it-all, snicker. Brava!
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Thank you, Stef! I felt a little bad for the poor little rose being blown to bits, but it was a lot better than Severus hitting, say a wall with his fist. He only makes the exception because he has a soft spot for her.
Awwww! Thanks for the awesome response luvsev! This was perfect! Much Love ~ Brena
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
You're welcome, darlin'. And thank you for posting a prompt my tricky muse actually wanted to write. :)
Short and sweet, luv. I hope she got the hint!
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Thanks. I like to think she did catch on to what he meant.
LOL. Poor Sev. :)
Response from luvsev (Author of Blasted Roses)
Yup. People find him to sexy to resist.