New Chapter for I’m Applying for the Part
I’m Applying for the Part
morgaine_dulac19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
A fan fiction writer receives a visit: Lucius Malfoy is applying for a part. And we all know that Slytherins would do just about anything to get what they want.
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About morgaine_dulac
Member Since 2008 | 52 Stories | Favorited by 122 | 948 Reviews Written | 2,443 Review Responses
Born: in the glorious year of 1979, when Dio joined Black Sabbath and Peter Pettigrew started passing on information to the Dark Lord
Colours: black, green, silver
Passions: writing, cooking, baking, witchcraft
Obsessions: quite a few, chocolate for one (hi Lupin!), but mainly a certain Potions master and a blond DE.
When I am not writing alone, I co-write with my favourite Ravenclaw star_girl. Look for sevs_starsisters to find our stories.
Published writer since 2014. Original fiction is good fun, but I find myself returning to fan fiction every now and then
Reviews for I’m Applying for the Part
Very sly! Loved that she got her way while making him think it was all his idea.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Ah, Slytherins! :-)
That was fun! Whose cunning came first? A Slytherin variation of the chicken or egg question. You should definitely keep up the little pieces of Sunday-silliness.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Glad you liked this little piece of silliness. Let us see what this Sunday brings. It might have potential.
What fun! Very clever & cute!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Cheers! Glad you enjoyed it!
*enormous grin* I don't think you have anything to be forgiven for. After all, Lucius got what he wanted plus a rather nice moment of pleasure it seems.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Phew ... Well, in case Lucius thinks that I need to apologise, I'd do (almost) anything as well :P
That's pretty funny. I would say poor Lucius, but I don't think he came out so badly.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Is it just me or do the words "poor" and "Lucius" look wrong in the same sentence? ;-) I think he enjoyed himself.
Lucius "you may fall onto your knees and worship me" Malfoy, I have never seen a better disscription of him.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
I had so much fun re-reading this. Thank you for reminding me of this piece.
Silliness indeed, as well as funny! *rofl*
Author's Response: hehe ... I had tons of fun writing it! Glad you liked it!
castingcouch for fanfiction characters.That is great. let them apply for the job propperly. *gg*To play with and bed down a character. No one ever wrote about this, I guess.Well, I get the feeling, that he would have gotten his part anyway, even if he didn't show up at all, am I right.Wich makes it even better to have ones fun first. may he belive what he wants to. Where can he brag about this business. In the tree Broomsticks? the leaky cauldron?the Ex-Deatheters-Club?He and a muggle? half - blood? he could never show his face again.But we don't care.... lala
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Oh my, I had all but forgotten about this silly piece! Glad you liked it!
That was an interesting original idea. Maybe the next thing said writer can do, is to step right into the fiction and cause some mischief.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
I was thinking she could hold more interviews :D
Aaaaahhhhh, and what a wonderful piece of Sunday fluffiness it was!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Ah, this is how fluff looks like, heheGlad you liked it. It was sure fun to write. /M
cute bit. Entertaining, nicely done.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Thank you very much!
I think Lucius enjoyed himself... despite her Slytherin cunning. Or maybe because of!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
I wonder who screwed whom? After all, Lucius is Slytherin as well :PThanks for the shinies!
Cute, nice to see him out maneuvered by a woman too.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
With his pants down, even Lucius Malfoy is just a man :PGlad you enjoyed this little piece of silliness. /M
Ha! Lucius would be humiliated--and bent on revenge--if he figured out that he'd just been taken to the casting couch. A fun, well done little tidbit.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Then again, being taken to the casting couch might have been his plan as well. Hm ... Slytherins *rolls eyes*Glad you enjoyed the little piece. It was a lot of fun to write!
Ha !!! The reviews for this are almost as much fun as the piece itself !!! Aren't we all just the coven of laschivious witches full of lovely fantasies !!! Severus holds my heart of course, but Lucius holds my.... Well, never mind - you get the point.
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Oh, yes, I do get your point! We're all in the gutter, trying to see under certain wizards' robes. Shame on us ;-)But hey, we're having fun, aren't we?
Amazingly funny! The scene I had in my head was an older woman in an employment office, smoking a cigarello, dripping wrinkles... Until we got to the last bit. While I admit it would be wonderful to have seen his face, it might also be wonderful to read all about it. Another one-shot - from his perspective? Why did he choose her? Does he make a habit of visiting fanfic writers? Does he really not know she has set him up? Or does it play into his game to allow her to think that she has the upper hand? *hum... So many delicious possibilities...
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Way too many delicious possibilities, in fact. let's think about it.I'm very glad you enjoyed this little piece of silliness enough to want to see more. :)
Hmm, let me think. No. I can't possibly think of any Slytherin authors that would fit the bill here ... !A very novel way of getting the smooth Mr. M to do your bidding my dear. Now, did I tell you I've just written an excellent part for a tall, dark Potions master? Any chance you could send him my way so that I can put him through the same kind of rigourous testing as you've just done here? (Just to make sure he's up to the part, you understand!) Hehe - this was good &, once again, so different - you make 'unique' original, you know! :-)
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
I have no idea who you are talking about. Seriously. I swear on my Slytherin honour ... um ...I doubt that the Potions master will let himself be lured into the same trap as the smooth Mr M, but Ill tell him to come by. Again, I swear on my Slytherin honour ;-)
Lol, wouldn't we all like to interview Lucius like that and Severus too, though I expect he would never lower himself to beg, shame that!!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
You have no idea how much I had to fight with myself NOT to involve Severus in this. There's only one man-wh*re in Slytherin, and he is blond ;-)Glad you enjoyed!
Well done Lucius!
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Now you're making me re-read my stories. Do I have time for that?? ;-)
Response from MrsAstoriaMalfoy (Reviewer)
I don't know? I'm quite surprised you have time to reply to all these reviews! Shouldn't you be beating knowlegde into some teenagers?
Response from morgaine_dulac (Author of I’m Applying for the Part)
Nah. I have a trainee doing that for me today.
Response from MrsAstoriaMalfoy (Reviewer)
Oh, that's nice! So you get to relax on a Monday!