New Chapter for Just One Question
Just One Question
timestep9 Reviews | 9 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
What happens when Teddy Lupin tries to ask a question of Severus Snape (with special appearance by Phineas Black).
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Member Since 2006 | 7 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 202 Reviews Written | 57 Review Responses
Reviews for Just One Question
*smile* Indeed that's very Slytherin of the boy.
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
Thanks. He is a cutie.
Oh well done Teddy, well done. You bested our favorite potion professor.
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
It is not easy to best him either. Thank you for the review.
Well done! “Very well, my first question has ten parts …”I laughed out loud at this. And I'd like to know, too, how a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor produce a Slytherin.I want like to echo what moiramountain said. I'm quite sure that Severus would welcome the challenge. And Phineas would probably welcome a chance to get to know the latest member of the Black family as well.I love it!Beth
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
I guess between being in the Black family - well, not so much tree, but family, and having Harry involved in his upbringing (I don't doubt that happened), he had just enough Slytherin influence (and we all know that Harry was a hair's breath away himself. LOL. Thank you for the review.
I can't stop laughing. This is perfect. Lupin would roll over in is grave to know his son is a Slytherin. Teddy would definantly have been a hand full for the Lupin's not to mention Snape.
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
I'm so happy I could make you laugh. Teddy has way too many influential people in his life to not have been a handful!
Bwahahaha! I love it. You can take the boy from the Blacks, but you can't take the Black from the boy. Very nice.More?
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
I may do more. When i originally have a few more ideas. I just need to get a few more projects out of the way, but I'm not sure Teddy will allow me to ignore him for long. He is a Black after all, and their men don't allow you to ignore them for long. LOL. Thanks for the review.
Oh clever clever boy !!!! I'd love to see this relationship between boy and portrait continue !!!! I suspect this child might just give Severus a run for his money - and I expect Sev is bored enough in his portrait that he would enjoy the challenge !!!
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
I don't doubt there will be more. I just need to get a few other things off my plate - but probably this winter. I do think Severus would eventually warm to the relationship (he just wouldn't let Teddy know it!
This was adorable. Short and sweet.
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
Thank you. It was fun to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I think Remus might have gotten a kick out of his son being a Slytherin. Thank you.
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
Your welcome. Thank you for the review. I don't doubt that Remus would have gotten a kick out of him either!
Oh, how delightful! Go, Teddy!! :-)
Response from timestep (Author of Just One Question)
LOL! Thank you.